
  1. J

    520 Origin Server Unavailable

    I have a wordpress site setup, using cloudflare i then went to setup litespeed cache, i set up the cname stuff in cloudflare its verified on my quic.cloud dashboard however, im getting 520 error. Although, the server is live. https://jewelzen.co.uk
  2. C

    How to disable / exclude Caching for a specific .php file?

    As the title says how can I disable / exclude a .php file from being cached by LS? When I use a caching plugin such as Hummingbird, all I have to do is add the following line to the top of the .php file in order to exclude it from cache: "define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', true);" Thanks in advance!
  3. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.2.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.2.3 In this release: a new Unique CSS option, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **Page Optimize** Added Unique CSS option for future removal of unused CSS per page. (@moongear) * **Page Optimize** Fixed an issue where Font Optimization could fail when...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.2.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.2.2 In this release: improvements to ESI nonce, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Purge] Scheduled Purge URLs now supports wildcard. (#427338) [ESI] ESI Nonce supports wildcard match now. [Network] Use Primary Site Settings now can support Domain Key, and...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.2.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.2.1 In this release: minor tweaks, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Cloud] Tweaked LQIP/CCSS rate limits. (@ianpegg) [Admin] Improved frontend Admin Bar menu functionality. (#708642) [Crawler] Fixed an issue where cleaning up a crawler map with a leftover...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.2 In this release: major improvements to image optimization efficiency, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Image Optimize] Major improvements in queue management, scalability, and speed. (@Lucas Rolff) [Cloud] Implemented a series of communication enhancements...
  7. 0

    SSL not working

    I've installed OpenLiteSpeed + WordPress from this Docker build, on an AWS EC2 instance. https://hub.docker.com/r/litespeedtech/openlitespeed I managed to get WordPress working. But the SSL install, using ACME as that page describes, didn't work. ubuntu@ip-172-31-2-130:~/ols-docker-env$...
  8. B

    Litespeed Caching Help!

    Hi, I need some help in Litespeedcache. The pictures of the Posts lower in the Homepage of my Wordpress site do not load even when the Whole site has been loaded. I tried to debug the Issue and so, Turned off Litespeed Cache plugin Features in Toolbox<Debug Settings. Now, the images load...
  9. S

    Wordpress Admin Very Slow

    Hello Everyone thank you for your support i am looking for help to resolve an issue we recently moved to litespeed, the websites are loading perfectly fine and also quick compared to apache. but i think it could be better and we have a unique issue We have noticed most of the wordpress...
  10. J

    Issue with Removing original images after LScache Image optimization

    Hello, After image optimisation process and saving around 5gb, when trying to remove the original images, I am getting the below error: “The site is experiencing technical difficulties" and understood this is a general know error with the plugin. After reading through the docs, I see that...
  11. C

    Litespeed plugin for wordpress rendering mobile version on desktop and sometimes desktop on mobile

    Hi, I have been having issues on the subject above, and after I uninstalled the plugin, it went back to normal, I read it has to do with .htaccess. How could we resolve this, because my site is really slow.
  12. J

    General questions about DNS / Domain Management [How to connect a domain with lightspeed]

    Hi all, I hope my question is not too stupid- But I'm struggling with this since some days. My question is, how I properly connect a Domain from [VENDOR A] with my VM running on [VENDOR B]. In my case- vendor A is Strato. I'v bought a domain from them - Let's call the domain: mylittlelabd.net...
  13. J

    LSCWS tweaks

    I have changed many settings from default OFF to ON in LSCWP plugin and it showed very much improvements in pagespeed score from GTmetrix and Pingdom. I have done this tweaks in a test wordpress website. Now my concern here is can I change all the settings in a production environment too or any...
  14. U

    Past events views/shows in The Events Calender list

    Hi i have installd the Litespeed plug-in on my wordpress installation last week but today we noted that someting need to be adjusted in the setting for the site to work proporly. We have a plug-in callad The eventscalender that handle our events and today we noted that that the list that...
  15. V

    Woocommerce Reviews and Video Displaying Issue

    Hello, I am facing two issues with LiteSpeed functions. Before I explain here is my system info: Wordpress Divi Woocommerce Cpanel First, the woocommerce comments work well for logout users, but when you login, the review module isn't seen on the product page. When I clear history and cache and...
  16. E

    Issue with Cart Total (on Home page)

    WordPress/Woocommerce site Noticed that the items in the basket and cart total on the Home page (top right hand side) is not updating when items are in the basket. The items in the cart and the cart total at the top right hand corner of the page shows as Items in basket: 0 Total : £0.00 on the...
  17. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.9.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.9.1 In this release: ability to generate passwordless link for support team access, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: Env: Environment Report can now append a passwordless link for support access without wp-admin password. Admin: The latest v3.0 beta...
  18. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.9 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.9 In this release: behind-the-scenes prep for upcoming v3.0, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: Core: Preload all classes to avoid getting error for upcoming v3.0 upgrade. Object: Improved compatibility with upcoming v3.0 release. ESI: Unlocked ESI for...
  19. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8.7 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8.7 In this release: 3rd party compatibility changes. RELEASE LOG: 3rd: Enhanced WP stateless compatibility. (#PR143) 3rd: Fixed a PHP warning caused by previous PR for AMP. (#PR176) https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Cheers!
  20. R

    How can I install OpenLiteSpeed on centOS 8 ?

    I am using Linode. I found a OpenLiteSpeed-WordPress Stackscripts which is compatible with CentOS 7. I want to use it CentOS 8. Can I use on CentOS 8 without any issue? #!/bin/bash ### linode ### Install OpenLiteSpeed and WordPress bash <( curl -sk...