
  1. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.2 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.2 RELEASE LOG: * **Object** Fixed object cache lib incr, decr functions (thanks bdrbros/DANIEL) #516 * **Database Optimize** Database optimizer now handles postmeta when cleaning revisions #515 * **Cache** Made nocache the default for 4xx/5xx response...
  2. A

    High I/O usage on Litespeed Sites

    Hi. I have a shared hosting that has 5 WordPress websites, and they are using Litespeed cache WordPress plugin. But due to high I/O usage, I am getting fault errors on my websites. The max I/O speed is 1024 KB/s (I don't know if this is a good speed limit, let me know please). I contacted my...
  3. I

    LS Cache for WP - Purge Revisions - Create Postmeta Orphans

    I've posted this issue on the WP LSCache plugin support forum, but the LSCache support person does not seem to understand the WP revision db table structure. Revisions are maintained in 2 tables: - posts, which contains the "header" info for a revision - postmeta, which contains various detail...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.1 In this release: new API and CLI features, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [CLI] Presets feature is now usable from the CLI. (xLukii) [CLI] Added 'import_remote' for litespeed-option to enable importing options from URLs. (xLukii) [Cache] Added...
  5. D

    Adsense Code is Unreadable when LS cashe is activated

    Hi Hello, I launched the website LiteSpeed cache. Adsense auto ads code is not detectable. If I deactivate the LS cache and activate WP Super Cache Plugin, the problem is resolved. Which specific configuration should I check to resolve this problem using the LS cache plugin? here is site url...
  6. S

    prevent caching for logged-in wordpress users without plugin

    Hi I use asset clean up and Wprocket to speed up Wordpress and cache pages. I do not want to use Litespeed cache plugin but I am interested in using litespeed server-side caching . I use htaccess method to cache pages using litespeed but my problem is that I am unable to prevent showing cached...
  7. M

    All products dissapear and reappear

    Hello. I have an issue where I am involved WPML support. They now suggest I involve you too. The issue is that, by random, all products disappear from my shop. I have found out that changing the theme back and forth makes the products appear in the shop again. I had WPML support...
  8. B

    LiteSpeed Cache WordPress REST API

    Hi, My question is specific to the LiteSpeed WordPress plugin and its use of the REST API. Specifically, in order to perform image optimization, LiteSpeed seems to require wide open access. I prefer to limit access to the API to logged-in users or admins only (where possible). Are there any...
  9. C

    Images woocommerce product page not loading

    I have a weird issue with lightspeed. It loads the images on my product page but then they disappear. I have been looking into this and noticed that the lightspeed plugin caused this issue. By not caching that page the problem is solved. But it is not a real solution as the product page loads...
  10. lclarke

    LSCache v5.2.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.2.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [BUG] Core: Fixed a fatal error in uninstallation progress. (#894556 Hostinger) - Dash: Dashboard now shows partner info for QUIC.cloud domains on a Partner tier. - UCSS: Auto purge the UCSS...
  11. lclarke

    LSCache v5.2 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.2 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [NEW] UCSS: Added UCSS message queue to improve service quality and reliability - [BUG] VPI: Fixed conflict w/ image lazyload; used HTML before image lazyload to avoid invalid data:base64...
  12. lclarke

    LSCache v5.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.1 In this release: New debug log options, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [NEW] Toolbox: Debug log can now show Purge/Crawler logs as well. (Tynan) - UCSS: Prepared for future message queue. - UCSS: Moved UCSS class to its own file. - 3rd: Added 3rd-party support...
  13. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [BUG] Cloud: Fixed a potential PHP error that could occur with the cloud service summary. (Bruno Cantuaria) - 3rd: Added Autoptimize back to compatibility list...
  14. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0.0.1 RELEASE LOG: - [HOTFIX] Cloud: Fixed an issue with the cloud request timestamp update which causes a usage sync failure. (Great thanks to Kevin) https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Cheers!
  15. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0 In this release: New Viewport Images service, Automatic CDN Setup, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: -[NEW] VPI: Added Viewport Images feature to LiteSpeed Options metabox on Post Edit page. -[NEW] CDN: Added Auto CDN Setup feature for simple QUIC.cloud...
  16. H

    403 Error on post updating wordpress

    Whenever I try to update any post on wordpress I get "403 Forbidden Error" idk why i'm getting this ? i don't able to find any litespeed plugin in cpanel. Some suggested this fix "LiteSpeed WebAdmin from there, go to configuration >> server; there, you can see the option of restricted...
  17. Z

    How to Fix CSS/JS Issue LiteSpeed Cache

    I'm having CSS/JS issues on my WP theme if I enable Litespeed cache the problem is: Menu cannot be accessed via mobile Litespeed settings I have for CSS/JS CSS settings Pict JS settings Pict i tried to add this line, the site works without problem www.example.com/?LSCWP_CTRL=before_optm...
  18. lclarke

    LSCache v4.6 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.6 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [Page Optimize] Improved compatibility for JS Delay. - BUG: [Page Optimize] Fixed an issue for network subsites that occurred when only CSS/JS Minify are enabled. - [Localization] Added query...
  19. N

    [SOLVED] AWS Wordpress database errror after install

    Hello, I am following the LiteSpeed WordPress Quickstart guide but get stuck on step 4. Please see my progress through the guide below. Any help to proceed is appreciated. Step 1 I launched a WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache (Powered OpenLiteSpeed) Server through the machine image found on AWS...
  20. N

    [SOLVED] AWS Wordpress interactive script doesn't run after install

    Hello, I am following the LiteSpeed WordPress Quickstart guide but get stuck on step 3. Please see my progress through the guide below. Any help to proceed is appreciated. Step 1 I launched a WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache (Powered OpenLiteSpeed) Server through the machine image found on AWS...