
  1. lclarke

    LSCache v6.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache v6.1 for WordPress In this release: new optimizer function, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [NEW] Database: New Clear Orphaned Post Meta optimizer function. - Image Optimize: Fixed possible PHP warning for WP requests library response. - Image Optimize: Unlocked...
  2. A

    LiteSpeed Cache Crawler v6.0.0.1 documents

    Hello Happy new year I want to know how can I change the color of the crawler from blue to green? Blue means = Cache Miss Green means = Cache Hit I couldn't find the information for those color and how can I fixed theme, Thanks
  3. lclarke

    LSCache v6.0.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v6.0.0.1 In this release: an Image Optimization hotfix. RELEASE LOG: * **Image Optimize** Grouped the taken notification to regional center servers to reduce the load after image pulled. https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Cheers!
  4. lclarke

    LSCache v6.0 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v6.0 In this release: two new settings, CLI crawler control, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: • [NEW] Image Optimize: Parallel pull. (⭐ Contributed by Peter Wells #581) • [NEW] Cache: CLI Crawler. • [NEW] Cache: New Vary Cookies option. • [NEW] Media: New...
  5. A

    How to find optimum memory and cpu configuration in php.ini and SAPI on openlitespeed?

    I think litespeed not using all capacitis in my server because my memory and cpu are free and performance is not so good (wordpress is working heavy). Our server hardware for esxi virtual machine configuration with centos7 and openlitespeed is: Memory: 100.83 GB CPU: 24 vCPUs Our software...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache v5.7.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.7.0.1 In this release: improvements in GUI, CDN, and Image Optimization. RELEASE LOG: * **GUI** Improvements to admin banner messaging. (#694622) * **CDN** Improvements to CDN Setup. (#694622) * **Image Optimize** Improvements to the process of checking...
  7. lclarke

    LSCache v5.7 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.7 In this release: New DNS Preconnect option, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **Page Optimize** New option available: Preconnect. (xguiboy/Mukesh Patel) * **3rd** New Vary for Mini Cart option for Woocommerce. (Ruikai) * **Cloud** Force syncing the...
  8. lclarke

    LSCache v5.6 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.6 In this release: New JS Delay Includes option, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Page Optimize] New JS Delay Includes option. (Mitchell Krog/Gerard Reches/Ignacy Hołoga) [Crawler] Sitemap can use search for URL now. [GUI] Restrict the scope of balloon CSS rules to...
  9. forumsyair888

    Using only brotli compression

    How can I enable only one compression that is BROTLI , I'm using ubuntu 20.04 already installed LSWS with php 8.1 and using wordpress, by default it will be GZIP compression but I want the default compression to be BROTLI. thank you
  10. A

    Litespeed plugins

    I am using wordpress sites, I run E-com business I installed Litespeed cache plugins. when i click purge all and hit the site from browser its take too long After that its working fine. 1st-time it take too long to get the response from server.
  11. lclarke

    LSCache v5.5.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.5.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: * BUGFIX [Image Optimization] Fixed a bug where WebP replacements couldn't be pulled without optimizing the original images. * BUGFIX [Image Optimization] Invalid images will now be removed when...
  12. V

    301 redirection with URL exclusion problem

    Hi. I've been trying to redirect all URLs from an old domain to a new one, except for two specific pages (/contact-form and /about). Here is the code block I have added at the top of .htaccess file just before #Beging Wordpress: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}...
  13. M

    Installing cPanel on LiteSpeed WordPress (GCP)

    I am trying to set up a WordPress installation using a cPanel backup provided by a third party who can offer zero support. I have tried a few installations of various sorts, but there has always been one problem or another. So I decided to create a LiteSpeed WordPress installation from Google...
  14. lclarke

    LSCache v5.4 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.4 In this release: behind-the-scenes improvements to Image Optimization, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [Image Optimize] Refactored DB storage for this feature. - [Image Optimize] Reduced DB table size. - [Image Optimize] Existing `img_optm` DB tables will have...
  15. J

    Layout Bug After Changing Page Optimisation

    I asked someone to fix the CLS issue on the site and it worked but after the changes the 1st few seconds of loading the website looks buggy(see attached screenshot). He changed some Page Optimisation in Litespeed and switched the preset from advanced to agressive. When changing back, this issue...
  16. K

    Enabling LiteSpeed Guest Optimization got PageSpeed Insight performance Error

    When I enable the Guest Optimization I always got a PageSpeed Insight performance Error. But when it's disabled, I got a low score. I want to enable this just like on my other websites to have a high score in performance but I think, there is a bug on the plugin after WordPress 6.2 is...
  17. H

    Problems with webvisor Yandex metrics.

    Good afternoon, my name is Alexander. CMS - Wordpress. After the guest mode option is enabled in your plugin, errors appear in the Yandex.metrics webvisor. The browsed site starts to twinkle. Pictures are downloaded endlessly. Watch the scrin. "[LiteSpeed] Start Lazy Load Images {reload...
  18. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.3 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.3 RELEASE LOG: - Page Optimize Excluded Jetpack stats JS. - DB Optimize Fixed DB Optm SQL for revision postmeta. - Cache Fixed an undefined array key warning. - Purge Prevented undefined array key warning when widgets are disabled. - Object Fixed dynamic...
  19. Z

    Can we setup WordPress Brute Force Attack Protection on directadmin?

    Hi guys, I was read this manual about Brute Force Protection: https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lsws/cp/cpanel/wp-protect/ can we implement it on directadmin? thanks.
  20. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.2 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.2 RELEASE LOG: * **Object** Fixed object cache lib incr, decr functions (thanks bdrbros/DANIEL) #516 * **Database Optimize** Database optimizer now handles postmeta when cleaning revisions #515 * **Cache** Made nocache the default for 4xx/5xx response...