
  1. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8.2 In this release: miscellaneous improvements to third party compatibility, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: 3rd: Set ESI template hook priority to highest number to prevent ESI conflict with Enfold theme. (#289354) 3rd: Improved Facetwp reset...
  2. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.8 In this release: a work-around for the WP 5.2.1 JQuery issue, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: Core: Refactored loading priority so user related functions & optimization features are set after user initialization. (#717223 #114165 #413338) Media...
  3. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7.2 In this release: improvements to compatibiliy, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: Conf: Enhanced compatibility when an option is not properly initialized. Conf: Prevent non-array instance in widget from causing 500 error. (#210407) CCSS: Increase CCSS...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7.1 In this release: better CCSS purging, and more! RELEASE LOG: Purge: Purge All no longer includes Purge CCSS/Placeholder. 3rd: Divi Theme Builder no longer experiences nonce expiration issues in the contact form widget. (#475461)...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.7 In this release: QUIC.cloud CDN support (join the beta, and use LSCache even with #apache or #nginx web servers!). RELEASE LOG: QUIC.cloud CDN feature. Now Apache/Nginx can use LiteSpeed cache freely. https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Cheers!
  6. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.6 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.6 In this release: new format for import/export, and more! RELEASE LOG: NEW IAPI: Appended XMP to Preserve EXIF data setting. WebP will now honor this setting. (#902219) Object Fixed SASL connection with LSMCD. ESI: Converted ESI URI parameters to JSON...
  7. B

    another 404 Wordpress error thread

    hey i'm new and quote lost domain geekincmiami.com wordpress is installed in main directory .htaaccess looks like this # BEGIN WordPres <IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}...
  8. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.5 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.5 In this release: better handling of nonce expiration, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: NEW: Auto convert default WordPress nonce to ESI to avoid expiration. NEW [API]: Ability to easily convert custom nonce to ESI by registering...
  9. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.4 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.4 In this release: ESI improvements, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: REST: New REST class with better WP5 Gutenberg and internal REST call support when ESI is embedded. ESI: ESI block ID is now in plain text in ESI URL parameters. ESI: Fixed a redundant...
  10. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.3 In this release: improvements to ESI, and more! RELEASE LOG: ESI: ESI shortcodes can now be saved in Gutenberg editor. ESI: ESI now honors the parent page JSON data type to avoid breaking REST calls (LSWS 5.3.6+). ESI: Added is_json parameter support...
  11. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.2 In this release: improved integration with WooCommerce, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: API: Add a hook `litespeed_esi_shortcode-*` for ESI shortcodes. 3rd: WooCommerce can purge products now when variation stock is changed. Bugfix️: Forced HTTP1.1...
  12. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v2.9.1 In this release: compatibility improvements, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Compatibility]: Fixed fatal error for PHP 5.3. [Compatibility]: Fixed PHP warning in htmlspecialchars when building URLs. (@souljahn2) [Media]: Excluded invalid image src from...
  13. L

    How to override or edit the generated css file!

    Hi am using the litespeed cache plugin for wordpress, I can't post on the adequate section cause I have no enough permissions! so I posted her .. I can't figure how to overwrite the generated css file, there is no hook after the creation of css files, am trying to add font-display:swap...
  14. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.9 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v2.9 is now available. In this release: improvements to image optimization, critical CSS, and reponsive placeholders, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * [NEW]Media: Lazy Load Image Classname Excludes. (@thinkmedia) * [NEW]: New EU/AS cloud servers for faster...
  15. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.8 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v2.8 is now available. In this release: ESI shortcodes, cookie simulation in crawler, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [NEW]: ESI shortcodes. [NEW]: Mobile crawler. [NEW]: Cookie crawler. API: Can now add _litespeed_rm_qs=0 to bypass Remove Query Strings...
  16. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.7.3 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v2.7.3 is now available. In this release: improvement to Google Fonts asynchronous load, and more! RELEASE LOG: Optm: Improved page render speed with Web Font Loader JS library for Load Google Fonts Asynchronously. Optm: Directly used JS library files in...
  17. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.7.2 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v2.7.2 is now available. In this release: auto upgrade feature, and more! RELEASE LOG: [NEW]: Auto Upgrade feature. [UPDATE] CDN: Bypass CDN for cron to avoid WP jQuery deregister warning. https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Enjoy!
  18. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v2.7.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v2.7.1 is now available. In this release: improvements to custom default config options, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [NEW] CLI: Ability to set CDN mapping by set_option litespeed-cache-cdn_mapping[0] https://url. [NEW] CDN: Ability to customize default...
  19. lclarke

    Have a Question About the WordPress Plugin?

    Our WordPress plugin support is located at the official WordPress plugin support page. Please do not post your LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress questions in this forum. Please visit the WordPress forum. We will be happy to answer your questions there. Thank you!
  20. M

    Use both the CDN KeyCDN and the Cloudflare via LSCWP for WP plugin?

    Hi, Is it possible to use both the CDN KeyCDN and the Cloudflare at the same time via LSCWP for WP plugin? Thanks in advance for the support.