
  1. A

    Reduce initial server response time is so high

    Hi, The first time page took so many time to load as when I checked the speed test tool it shows the TTFB is high. Please check the attached screenshots and please let me know is there any solution to fix the speed issue. Thanks,
  2. A

    file_get_contents 403 in Open LiteSpeed php 7.4

    Hi, first time poster and new to OLS but hoping someone might have some insight into this issue. Server: VULTR VPS on UBUNTU20.04+11, managed via RunCloud using their Open Lightspeed stack Software stack: PHP 7.4, WordPress 5.8.1, custom vanilla PHP theme Plugin of note: iThemes Security...
  3. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.3 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - BUG: [Media] Fixed an issue where WebP is served erroneously under Guest Mode on older versions of Safari. (hash73) - BUG: [Media] Reverted regex change to fix `Lazy Load Image Parent Class...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.2 In this release: improvements to purging, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [Purge] In order to clear pages containing 404 CSS/JS, the purge header will always be sent even in cases where purge must be delayed. - BUG: [Purge] Fixed a potential PHP warning caused...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - BUG: [ESI] Fixed ESI failure on non-cached pages caused by `DONOTCACHEPAGE` constant. - BUG: [Page Optimize] Fixed an issue where the minified CSS/JS file failed to update when the file was...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4 In this release: UCSS improvements, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * NEW: [Crawler] Added the ability to enable or disable specific crawlers. (:star: Contributed by Astrid Wang #PR390) * NEW: [UCSS] Added `UCSS Inline` option. (Ankit). * NEW: [UCSS]...
  7. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.2 In this release: Guest Mode, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **Cloud** Auto redirect to a new node if the current node is not available anymore. * **Cloud** Combined CCSS/UCSS to sub services of Page Optimization. * **Cloud** Added a daily quota rate...
  8. R

    Only images larger than 1 Mb are being compressed

    Hi all! WP only compresses uploaded images larger than 1 megabyte. How do I tell it to compress every image on upload? All content is user generated. They upload photos that are 2 – 4 Mb to posts and comments. All of this gets compressed by LiteSpeed. But, a lot of the images are screenshots...
  9. Y

    CORS request won’t trigger making cache?

    This is a issue originally posted at here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cors-request-wont-trigger-making-cache/#post-14674304 Hi there, I found that a CORS request make by the fetch seems like won’t trigger the cache to be made? I have set the these headers to make sure cors will work...
  10. G

    Simple ajax chat wp plugin cache problem

    I have a frustrating problem with simple ajax chat wordpress plugin. When am trying to create a page with a livechat shorcode and i also need to use cache. But when i enable cache the ajax live function of the chat does not work. Does anyone has any suggestions? i use lightspeeed cache with...
  11. J

    Error 404 on my website but only on certains pages ! HELP !

    Hello ! I have a problem with the plugin which puts a 404 error, but only on certain pages. My website is a Wordpress, builded with Elementor Pro. I have installed LiteSpeed Cache, and turn on some options. It's all good, except for a post type, and I don't know why. Looks like CSS (and maybe...
  12. K

    Don't upload image or post from mobile to wordpress

    Hi. I have tried the litespeed server and they work excellent ( very speed )! The problem is that when i try to add an article from my mobile phone wordpress app it doesn’t work properly and it is always loading without adding the article or upload image. From the desktop pc work fine with not...
  13. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.6.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.6.3 RELEASE LOG: [Core] Fixed potential upgrade failure when new versions have changes in activation related functions. [Core] Upgrade process won't get deactivated anymore on Network setup. https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/ Cheers!
  14. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.6 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.6 In this release: improvements to page optimization, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **WebP** Added WebP support on Safari Big Sur or Safari v14.0.1+. (@ruikai) * **Config** Fixed an issue where new installations were not getting the correct default...
  15. Н

    Problem with ceche

    I have a problem with logging in to the site through the panel installed for users simply can not log in to reload the page but when I clear the cache of your plugin or if I deactivate the LS plugin the error disappears, how to fix it?
  16. T

    Headers & Foots Vanished Since WordPress Update Due To LiteSpeed

    Since the most recent WordPress update the headers and footers across the site have vanished and only popped back up when I deactivated the LiteSpeed Wordpress Plugin. I assume this means that the plugin needs to be updated for the newest version of WP. Anyone know when that'll be as right now I...
  17. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.5.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.5.2 In this release: improvements to JS and CSS optimization, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: 3.5.2 – OCT 27 2020 [CSS] CSS Combine is now compatible w/ inline noscript CSS. (@galbaras) [GUI] Added ability to manually dismiss the JS option reset message...
  18. U

    Can NOT find LSCWP path for object cache initialization in object-cache.php

    cannot login into my admin panel and gives me this error Can NOT find LSCWP path for object cache initialization in /home/u603086582/domains/uavgarage.com/public_html/wp-content/object-cache.php In the recovery mode most of the plugins have been...
  19. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.4.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.4.2 In this release: improvements to ESI, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **CCSS** Corrected the issue that wrongly appended non-CSS files to CSS in links before sending request. * **3rd** YITH wishlist now sends a combined single sub request for all widgets...
  20. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.4.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.4.1 In this release: enhancements to page optimization, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [CCSS] Fixed an issue where dynamically generated CSS failed with `TypeError: Cannot read property type of undefined`. [Page Optimize] Fixed CSS optimization...