
  1. lclarke

    LSCache v4.4.7 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.7 RELEASE LOG: - [Page Optimize] Dropped `Inline Lazy Load Images Library` option. Now will always inline lazyload library. (Ankit) - [3rd] Prevented JavaScript files from being appended to Rank Math SEO sitemap. - [Purge] Dropped default stale purge when...
  2. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.3 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - BUG: [Media] Fixed an issue where WebP is served erroneously under Guest Mode on older versions of Safari. (hash73) - BUG: [Media] Reverted regex change to fix `Lazy Load Image Parent Class...
  3. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.2 In this release: improvements to purging, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [Purge] In order to clear pages containing 404 CSS/JS, the purge header will always be sent even in cases where purge must be delayed. - BUG: [Purge] Fixed a potential PHP warning caused...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - BUG: [ESI] Fixed ESI failure on non-cached pages caused by `DONOTCACHEPAGE` constant. - BUG: [Page Optimize] Fixed an issue where the minified CSS/JS file failed to update when the file was...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.4 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.4 In this release: UCSS improvements, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * NEW: [Crawler] Added the ability to enable or disable specific crawlers. (:star: Contributed by Astrid Wang #PR390) * NEW: [UCSS] Added `UCSS Inline` option. (Ankit). * NEW: [UCSS]...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v4.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.2 In this release: Guest Mode, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **Cloud** Auto redirect to a new node if the current node is not available anymore. * **Cloud** Combined CCSS/UCSS to sub services of Page Optimization. * **Cloud** Added a daily quota rate...
  7. lclarke

    LSCache for Joomla v1.5.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for Joomla v1.5.1 In this release: Joomla 4 support, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [New Feature] Joomla v4 RC4 support. [New Feature] "Purge after Post Back" feature and GUI option. [Update] Add ESI Module 'Separate View for Different Languages' option. [Update] Add...
  8. I

    [ Solved ] GPSI Score get down after migrated to VPS

    Hi, I'm very new to Litespeed and this is my very first thread at Litespeedtech. I'm trying to improve my website's overall performance. I just migrated my server from Fastcomet to Vultr with Cyberpanel. But after migrating it to Vultr, the GPSI score gets down. I have improved my website score...
  9. M

    With Laravel I want only non-login users to keep cache.

    Hi, I have installed the cache, but I want the cache to work when the user is not logged in. This is how I configured the following files. lscache.php <?php return [ 'esi' => env('LSCACHE_ESI_ENABLED', true), 'default_ttl' =>...
  10. W

    Use of undefined constant current

    Hi, on the last version 1.5.1 I'm with PHP 7.4.22 PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant current - assumed 'current' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ./plugins/system/lscache/components/com_virtuemart.php on line 289 (293 with actual file)...
  11. lclarke

    LSCache for Joomla v1.5 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for Joomla v1.5 In this release: new features, bug fixes. RELEASE LOG: [New Feature] Automatically disable Gzip Page Compression in Server Settings after installing lscache plugin to avoid ESI module issues. [New Feature] "Purge Category Cache on Article Save" GUI option...
  12. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.6.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.6.3 RELEASE LOG: [Core] Fixed potential upgrade failure when new versions have changes in activation related functions. [Core] Upgrade process won't get deactivated anymore on Network setup. Cheers!
  13. lclarke

    LSCache for Joomla v1.4 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for Joomla v1.4 In this release: Simulated ESI support with OpenLiteSpeed, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [New Feature] Use ajax calls to render ESI modules on OpenLiteSpeed Web Server. [New Feature] Add "Purge LiteSpeed Cache" button to admin status bar. [Update] Add...
  14. lclarke

    LSCache for XenForo 2 v2.2.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for XenForo 2 v2.2.3 RELEASE LOG: [Bug Fix] Csrf validation is now bypassed for 'AddReply' and 'PostThread' guest actions to avoid security errors when performing these actions from a cached page. (Applies to XF 2.2 'write before registering' feature)...
  15. K

    Purge cache with '$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]'

    Line 1 and line 2 aren't the same? The first line is purge the cache, but second line does not purge cache. How can I get the page address and delete the cache with php?
  16. AndreyPopov

    LSCache Opencart plugin on Windows platform browsers

    find problem when save UAs or URLs ( include, exclude ) list in browsers on Windows platform. explode(PHP_EOL, $str) not work correctly !!!!!! only last item in list used correctly. find recommendation replace explode with: preg_split('/\n|\r\n?/', $str); I replace manually in lscache.php...
  17. K

    Rule: only cache posts older than x days

    Hello I am using ls Cache. Can we create a rule such as "Do not cache for posts published in the last 3 days" with the .htaccess file? I just want to cache for old posts but I couldn't. edit:I do not use plugins. I activate the cache with htaccess. I use cpanel + litespeed on my server.
  18. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v3.6 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v3.6 In this release: improvements to page optimization, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **WebP** Added WebP support on Safari Big Sur or Safari v14.0.1+. (@ruikai) * **Config** Fixed an issue where new installations were not getting the correct default...
  19. lclarke

    LSCache for OpenCart v2.2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for OpenCart v2.2 In this release: new cache exclude options, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [New Feature] "Include URLs" GUI option (overrides "Page Settings" rules). [New Feature] "Exclude URLs for logged-in users" GUI options (overrides "Page Settings" and "Include...
  20. lclarke

    LSCache for PrestaShop v1.4 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for PrestaShop v1.4 In this release: cacheability improvements, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Major Improvement] Allow page to be cacheable when there is a vary change for context. [Improvement] Refactored third party integration to allow better control and more...