
  1. lclarke

    LSCache v5.5.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.5.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: * BUGFIX [Image Optimization] Fixed a bug where WebP replacements couldn't be pulled without optimizing the original images. * BUGFIX [Image Optimization] Invalid images will now be removed when...
  2. lclarke

    LSCache v5.5 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.5 In this release: crawler improvements, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: * **Crawler** Can now use multiple sitemaps. (Tobolo/Tim Nolte) * **Crawler** Now runs asynchronously when manually invoked. * **Crawler** Now runs asynchronously when invoked from...
  3. lclarke

    LSCache v2.3.0 for XenForo 2 Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for XenForo 2 v2.3.0 In this release: Improved lost password handling, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [Improvement] Added "lost password confirm" as a do-not-cache page. [Improvement] Misc code improvements. [Bug Fix] Logged-in cookie is now cleared when a visitor is...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache v5.4 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.4 In this release: behind-the-scenes improvements to Image Optimization, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [Image Optimize] Refactored DB storage for this feature. - [Image Optimize] Reduced DB table size. - [Image Optimize] Existing `img_optm` DB tables will have...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.3 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.3 RELEASE LOG: - Page Optimize Excluded Jetpack stats JS. - DB Optimize Fixed DB Optm SQL for revision postmeta. - Cache Fixed an undefined array key warning. - Purge Prevented undefined array key warning when widgets are disabled. - Object Fixed dynamic...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.2 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.2 RELEASE LOG: * **Object** Fixed object cache lib incr, decr functions (thanks bdrbros/DANIEL) #516 * **Database Optimize** Database optimizer now handles postmeta when cleaning revisions #515 * **Cache** Made nocache the default for 4xx/5xx response...
  7. I

    LS Cache for WP - Purge Revisions - Create Postmeta Orphans

    I've posted this issue on the WP LSCache plugin support forum, but the LSCache support person does not seem to understand the WP revision db table structure. Revisions are maintained in 2 tables: - posts, which contains the "header" info for a revision - postmeta, which contains various detail...
  8. lclarke

    LSCache v5.3.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.3.1 In this release: new API and CLI features, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: [CLI] Presets feature is now usable from the CLI. (xLukii) [CLI] Added 'import_remote' for litespeed-option to enable importing options from URLs. (xLukii) [Cache] Added...
  9. lclarke

    LSCache v5.2.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.2.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [BUG] Core: Fixed a fatal error in uninstallation progress. (#894556 Hostinger) - Dash: Dashboard now shows partner info for domains on a Partner tier. - UCSS: Auto purge the UCSS...
  10. lclarke

    LSCache v5.2 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.2 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [NEW] UCSS: Added UCSS message queue to improve service quality and reliability - [BUG] VPI: Fixed conflict w/ image lazyload; used HTML before image lazyload to avoid invalid data:base64...
  11. lclarke

    LSCache v5.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.1 In this release: New debug log options, and more! RELEASE LOG: - [NEW] Toolbox: Debug log can now show Purge/Crawler logs as well. (Tynan) - UCSS: Prepared for future message queue. - UCSS: Moved UCSS class to its own file. - 3rd: Added 3rd-party support...
  12. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0.1 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [BUG] Cloud: Fixed a potential PHP error that could occur with the cloud service summary. (Bruno Cantuaria) - 3rd: Added Autoptimize back to compatibility list...
  13. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0.0.1 RELEASE LOG: - [HOTFIX] Cloud: Fixed an issue with the cloud request timestamp update which causes a usage sync failure. (Great thanks to Kevin) Cheers!
  14. lclarke

    LSCache v5.0 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v5.0 In this release: New Viewport Images service, Automatic CDN Setup, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: -[NEW] VPI: Added Viewport Images feature to LiteSpeed Options metabox on Post Edit page. -[NEW] CDN: Added Auto CDN Setup feature for simple
  15. S

    PHP Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$vary_language

    hello I have been using Litespeed cache on my joomla 3.10.10 for over a year with success. I just migrated my joomla site to version 4.1.5 under php 8.0.20 and there I have problems. Before migrating, I uninstalled the lscache version of joomla 3 then migrated the site and then reinstalled...
  16. lclarke

    LiteMage v2.1.9 for Magento Now Available

    Announcing: LiteMage for Magento v2.1.9 In this release: Improved handling of multi-site cache purge, and more! RELEASE LOG: - Fixed the CLI purge error when admin backend and frontend are on different domains in a multi-site setup. - Fixed some PHP8 compatibility issues...
  17. lclarke

    LSCache v4.6 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.6 This release consists of bug fixes and more. RELEASE LOG: - [Page Optimize] Improved compatibility for JS Delay. - BUG: [Page Optimize] Fixed an issue for network subsites that occurred when only CSS/JS Minify are enabled. - [Localization] Added query...
  18. lclarke

    LSCache v4.5.0.1 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.5.0.1 In this release: Lazyload hotfix. RELEASE LOG: - HOTFIX: [Media] Fixed an issue where lazy-loaded images would disappear when using custom CSS image loading effects. Cheers!
  19. lclarke

    LSCache v4.5 for WordPress Now Available

    Announcing: LSCache for WordPress v4.5 In this release: the return of Localization, bug fixes, and more! RELEASE LOG: - NEW: [Page Optimize] Localization is back. - [Guest] Fixed organic traffic issue as different browsers may fail to set `document.referrer`. - [Image Optimize] Improved...
  20. I

    Does LSCache for Drupal handle *all* Drupal caches?

    Hello. I'm looking into migrating to Litespeed+LSCache on Drupal. Our current setup is apache+php-fpm, memcached, APCu. Memcached is set as our default cache backend and we have it assigned specifically to handle render and dynamic page cache bins. APCu is set to handle the boostrap, config...