
  1. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.6.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.6.1 was released this weekend. In this release: image optimization, new tuning tab, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Image Optimization. [NEW FEATURE] Role Excludes for Optimization. [NEW FEATURE] Combined CSS/JS Priority. [IMPROVEMENT]...
  2. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.5 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.5 was released today. In this release: improvements to Lazy Load, better JQuery optimization handling, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Exclude JQuery (to fix inline JS error when using JS Combine). [NEW FEATURE] Load JQuery Remotely...
  3. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.4 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.4 was released yesterday. In this release: lazy load for images and iframes, and more! Full release log: [New] Lazy load images/iframes. [New] Clean CSS/JS optimizer data functionality in DB Optimizer panel. [New] Exclude certain URIs from optimizer...
  4. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.3.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.3.1 was released today. In this release: emoji removal, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Remove WP Emoji Option. [IMPROVEMENT] Separated optimizer data from wp_options to improve compatibility with backup plugins. [IMPROVEMENT] Enhanced...
  5. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.3 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.3 was released today. In this release: browser cache support, many new features, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Added Browser Cache support. [NEW FEATURE] Added Remove Query Strings support. [NEW FEATURE] Added Remove Google Fonts...
  6. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.2.3 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.2.3 was released today. In this release: CDN support, a new GUI, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Added CDN support. [IMPROVEMENT] Improved compatibility when upgrading by fixing a possible fatal error. [IMPROVEMENT] Added support for...
  7. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.2.2 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.2.2 was released today. In this release: CSS/JS/HTML minification, JS/CSS combination, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Added CSS/JS minification. [NEW FEATURE] Added CSS/JS combining. [NEW FEATURE] Added CSS/JS HTTP/2 server push. [NEW FEATURE]...
  8. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.2.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.2.1 was released today. In this release: database optimizer, tab shortcuts, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Added Database Optimizer. [NEW FEATURE] Added Tab switch shortcut. [IMPROVEMENT] Added cache disabled check for management...
  9. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.2.0.1 Now Available - Featuring ESI!

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.2.0.1 was released today. In this release: ESI support (yes, it's here!), bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Added ESI support. [NEW FEATURE] Added a private cache TTL setting. [NEW FEATURE] Debug level can now be set to either ‘Basic’...
  10. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5.1 was released today. In this release: improved .htaccess handling, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: * [IMPROVEMENT] Improved compatibility of frontend&backend .htaccess path detection when site url is different than installation path. * [UPDATE]...
  11. lclarke

    LSCache is now available as a PrestaShop module!

    The official announcement can be found here. Please use this forum to share any feedback, questions, or problem you may have with the newest member of the LSCache family :) Happy Caching! Lisa
  12. lclarke

    LSCache for PrestaShop v1.0.0 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for PrestaShop v1.0.0 was released today. In this initial release: support for PrestaShop 1.7.1, ESI, multi-store, and more! Full release log: Support for PrestaShop 1.7.1+ Integrated into both LiteSpeed Web Server and LiteSpeed Web ADC. Works in a single-server...
  13. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.1.5 was released today. In this release: scheduled purge, improved .htaccess warnings, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] Scheduled Purge URLs feature. [NEW FEATURE] Added buffer callback to improve compatibility with some plugins that...
  14. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.1.4 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.1.4 was released today. In this release: Hotfixes for backwards API compatibility, and more! Full release log: [UPDATE] Added backward compatibility for v1.1.2.2 API calls. (used by 3rd-party plugins) [IMPROVEMENT] Unexpected rewrite rules will now show an...
  15. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.1.3 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.1.3 was released today. In this release: Improvements for 3rd party integration, PHP CLI support, bug fixes, and more! Full release log: [NEW FEATURE] New Litespeed_Cache_API class and documentation for 3rd party integration. [NEW FEATURE] New API function...
  16. lclarke

    LSCache for WordPress v1.1.2.1 Now Available

    Greetings! LSCache for WordPress v1.1.2.1 was released today. In this release: Improved compatibility with @WooCommerce! Full release log: [UPDATE] Improved compatibility with WooCommerce v3.1.0. Enjoy!
  17. eva2000

    lscache: Cannot open file: Permission denied at bin/ line 1501

    On a whm/cpanel based server the configured and enabled cpbackup process, I see the following error below in cpbackup log i.e. /usr/local/cpanel/logs/cpbackup/1498701601.log /home/username/lscache: Cannot open file: Permission denied at bin/ line 1501.[2017-06-29 02:15:32 +0000] Done...
  18. lclarke

    LSCache - WordPress Plugin Released

    LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress was released today. In this release we have made some improvements to the crawler and squashed some bugs. (Keep that feedback coming!) Full Release Log:
  19. lclarke

    LiteMage 1.3.6 Released

    LiteMage 1.3.6 released today. In this release we have added new debug log options, and a new option for sites that have issues during the checkout process. Plus, improvements in mobile detection and crawling for unresponsive mobile views. Full Release Log...