LiteSpeed Web Server Release Log 2024-08-29 13:30:05 LiteSpeed Web Server is constantly updated with new features and bug fixes. This is a detailed list of changes, arranged by date and version number.

LiteSpeed Web Server
Release Log

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LiteSpeed Web Server (LSWS) is constantly updated with new features and bug fixes.

  • LSWS 6.3.1 (Stable)(08-27-2024) New Features, Security & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add "no-lscache" environment variable to allow the lscache engine to be disabled at the request level.
    • NEW FEATURE Load trusted IPs/subnets from standalone list "$SERVER_ROOT/conf/trusted-ip-list".
    • SECURITY Block the "litespeed_role" cookie to shield LSCWP from potential brute force attempts.
    • BUGFIX Address compatibility issues with Ruby 3.3 applications.
    • BUGFIX Make RackRunner.rb compatible with Rails 7.2.
    • BUGFIX Minor bug fixes.

    LSWS 6.3(06-26-2024) New Features, Improvements & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE CGI/External app resource limits via cgroups.
    • NEW FEATURE CGI/External app file system restrictions via namespace containers.
    • NEW FEATURE Advanced anti-DDoS features to protect against request flooding.
    • NEW FEATURE Firewall controller to block detected robots at the firewall level.
    • NEW FEATURE Easy front end CDN ( or Cloudflare) detection.
    • IMPROVEMENT Avoid HTTP/2 stream I/O buffer bloating.
    • IMPROVEMENT HTTP2/HTTP3 priority (RFC 9218) integration.
    • IMPROVEMENT Drain request body to avoid browser errors in special cases.
    • IMPROVEMENT Stop _recaptcha process after idling for 5 minutes.
    • BUGFIX Automatically fix apache2.service override for Plesk.
    • BUGFIX Address a ProxyPass corner case that resulted in redirection looping.
    • BUGFIX Avoid caching partial responses due to interrupted proxy connections.
    • BUGFIX Address rewrite rule compatibility issues with Plesk WP toolkit hotlink protection.
    • BUGFIX Address a corner case in multi-part POST parser.
    • BUGFIX Address a corner case in access logging.
  • LSWS 6.2.2 (Stable)(04-03-2024) New Features, Improvements & Bugfix

    • NEW FEATURE Add chunked encoding support for proxying request body to backend.
    • NEW FEATURE Add cache vary on request header value, automatically vary on header 'X-Http-Method-Override'.
    • NEW FEATURE Add detection for flag file 'admin/tmp/.stay_with_lsws' used to prevent automatically switching back to Apache when encountering a licensing issue.
    • IMPROVEMENT Apply server level log rotation setting to Modsec audit log.
    • IMPROVEMENT Do not force URL trailing slash for requests to Node.js applications.
    • IMPROVEMENT Make Node.js startup script compatible with older Node.js versions.
    • BUGFIX Address failure to switch back to Apache issue, "on-failure" restart for Systemd service is now disabled.

    LSWS 6.2.1(02-27-2024) New Feature, Improvement & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add hCaptcha support for reCAPTCHA validation.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add support for .mjs nodeJS application startup file.
    • BUGFIX Address a crash related to SecRemoteRules handling.
    • BUGFIX Address a rare corner case causing HTTP/3 responses to hang.

    LSWS 6.2(12-06-2023) New Features, Improvements, Security, Tunings & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Update HTTP/3 implementation to support QUICv2 protocol.
    • NEW FEATURE mod_security engine now has an option to use RE2 instead PCRE regex engine.
    • NEW FEATURE Add vhost level max request body length and max dynamic response length configurations.
    • NEW FEATURE Add vhost level dedicated PHP handler configuration option.
    • NEW FEATURE Add support for rewrite flags "BNP", "backrefnoplus", "BCTLS", and "BNE".
    • IMPROVEMENT Improve reCAPTCHA custom error page handling to avoid expensive dynamic processing.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add missing access log format following Apache spec.
    • IMPROVEMENT Enhance Apache expression support with dynamic regular expression matching.
    • IMPROVEMENT Apache expression support in RewriteCond.
    • IMPROVEMENT Virtual host level reCAPTCHA trigger by concurrent connections.
    • SECURITY More strict request header validation.
    • TUNING Add PHP 8.3 support.
    • TUNING Lift default virtual memory limit for external applications.
    • BUGFIX Fix a compatibility issue with Rack version >3.0 for Ruby applications.
    • BUGFIX Allow use of stdout/stderr as log file names.
    • BUGFIX Address large request header compatibility issue with PHP-FPM.
    • BUGFIX Minor bug fixes to cache engine, mod_security engine, and request handling.
  • LSWS 6.1.2 (Stable)(05-24-2023) Improvements, Tuning & Bugfixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Allow total header sizes > 64KB.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add support for websocket upgrade using <LocationMatch> and ProxyPassMatch (used by Plesk).
    • IMPROVEMENT Add support for Unix domain socket proxy target address (used by DirectAdmin).
    • TUNING Better handling of buggy HTTP/2 clients with poor flow control implementations.
    • BUGFIX Address a corner case in LSAPI 304 response handling.
    • BUGFIX Address unique ID duplication in mod_security audit log.
    • BUGFIX Address a corner case in mod_security request header matching.
    • BUGFIX Address a license key verification issue during server reboot.
    • BUGFIX Update ls-qpack to address a corner case.
    • BUGFIX Address a request header parser corner case for a look-alike header.
    • BUGFIX Address broken mailman support for Plesk.
    • BUGFIX Address two corner cases in layer 4 proxy.
    • BUGFIX Address an issue with proxy forwarding to the Plesk admin panel.

    LSWS 6.1.1(04-12-2023) New Features, Improvements & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add SSL strict SNI mode option to fail SSL connections when there is no vhost level SSL certificate.
    • NEW FEATURE Add a vhost level AllowBlockedUrl option to allow blocked URL passthrough.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add support for unix domain socket for redis dynamic vhost.
    • IMPROVEMENT Update WebAdmin Console login to use BCRYPT password hash.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add support for "Require local" configuration directive.
    • BUGFIX Avoid blocking on socket read for internal fetcher.
    • BUGFIX Address broken "RewriteOption inherit" corner case.
    • BUGFIX Address duplicate unique ID field in mod_security audit log.
    • BUGFIX Address a python application frequent restart issue.
    • BUGFIX Address a python application upload hang issue.
    • BUGFIX Fix SecRemoteRules certificate verification failure.
    • BUGFIX Fix broken sub-directory password protection configuration for Plesk WordPress toolkit.
    • BUGFIX Address an issue switching apache/lsws systemd unit file for Plesk.
    • BUGFIX Address an issue with Plesk watchdog monitoring httpd service.

    LSWS 6.1(01-09-2023) New Features, Improvements, Tuning & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add PROXY protocol support.
    • NEW FEATURE Add custom response status code support.
    • NEW FEATURE Apply OOMScoreAdjust for lsws service to avoid being OOM killed.
    • NEW FEATURE Trigger reCAPTCHA through mod_security engine via an environment variable.
    • IMPROVEMENT Inherit .htaccess belonging to parent context.
    • IMPROVEMENT Make SSI environment available to included CGIs/scripts.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add conditional access logging using Expression.
    • IMPROVEMENT Configurable reCAPTCHA timeout.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add "DisableForwardedIpBan" Apache style configuration directive to avoid blocking IPs forwarded by front-end proxies.
    • IMPROVEMENT Enhance 'disableCgiOverride' to cover options +ExecCGI and +Include.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add Apache style configurations "LogKeepDays" and "LogCompressArchive".
    • IMPROVEMENT Escape multiline STDERR messages.
    • IMPROVEMENT Detect update failures in
    • IMPROVEMENT Improve WebAdmin Console realtime stats with a new JavaScript library.
    • TUNING Disable TLSv1.1 by default.
    • BUGFIX Set "HOME" environment for CGI/External apps when possible.
    • BUGFIX Fix connection timeout false-positives for active HTTP3 connections.
    • BUGFIX Fix domain limited licensing for Plesk servers.
    • BUGFIX Update lsquic to v3.3.0 .

    LSWS 6.1 RC3(12-07-2022) New Feature, Improvements & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add custom response status code support.
    • NEW FEATURE Apply OOMScoreAdjust for lsws service to avoid having the server killed when low on memory.
    • IMPROVEMENT Escape multiline STDERR messages.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add "DisableForwardedIpBan" Apache style configuration directive to avoid blocking IPs forwarded by front-end proxies.
    • BUGFIX Address a few corner cases in HTTP/3 implementation.
    • BUGFIX Address an HTTP/2 decoder bug.
    • BUGFIX Include all bug fixes applied to 6.0.12 stable releases.

    LSWS 6.1 RC2(10-07-2022) New Feature, Improvements & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE PROXY protocol support.
    • IMPROVEMENT Make SSI environment available to included CGIs/scripts.
    • IMPROVEMENT Enhance 'disableCgiOverride' to cover options +ExecCGI and +Include.
    • IMPROVEMENT Better handling of content-type with charset.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add "x-frame-options" header for reCAPTCHA page.
    • BUGFIX Inherit .htaccess belonging to parent context.
    • BUGFIX Address bad target URL with native proxy configuration for '/' context.
    • BUGFIX Avoid installing Ruby Rack 3.0 gem to avoid compatibility issues.
    • BUGFIX Avoid using IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses for HTTP/3 connections.
    • BUGFIX Address memory leak in QUIC SHM.

    LSWS 6.1 RC1 Dev(08-17-2022) New Feature, Improvements, Tuning & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Trigger reCAPTCHA through mod_security engine via an environment variable.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add parent context .htaccess inheritance.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add conditional access logging using Expression..
    • IMPROVEMENT Configurable reCAPTCHA timeout.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add "LogKeepDays", "LogCompressArchive" Apache style configurations.
    • TUNING Disable TLSv1.1 by default.
    • BUGFIX Set "HOME" environment for CGI/External apps when possible.
    • BUGFIX Update lsquic to the latest v3.1.2 release.
    • BUGFIX Include all bug fixes applied to 6.0.12 stable releases.
  • LSWS 6.0.12 Stable(05-12-2022) Securities, Improvements, Tunings & Bugfixes

    • SECURITY Address a few crashes and memory leaks in HTTP/3 implementation.
    • SECURITY Add more strict virtual host name validation in WebAdmin to address a potential XSS vulnerability.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add server level control to return 404 or 403 when directory auto-index is disabled.
    • IMPROVEMENT Better stale cache purge handling.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add pagination for long auto indexed pages.
    • IMPROVEMENT Support following ErrorDocument customizations in .htaccess for early stage internal errors.
    • TUNING Enable suEXEC for PHP 8.1 by default.
    • TUNING Do not enable cPanel HTTP server monitoring in update script.
    • TUNING Adjust internal shell scripts for better ubuntu compatibility.
    • BUGFIX Address broken alt-python application caused by the new way virtualenv was built.
    • BUGFIX Address broken vhost level mod_security configuration.
    • BUGFIX Address random crashes in mod_security engine.
    • BUGFIX Address a rare multi-threaded mod_security engine race condition.
    • BUGFIX Add more validation checks to avoid accidentally killing system process when stopping detached external application processes.
    • BUGFIX Improve auto index script to avoid calling function ini_set().
    • BUGFIX Address crashes in ESI/SSI engine.
    • BUGFIX Address POST cache issues.
    • BUGFIX Block request header "transfer-encoding: chunked" for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.
    • BUGFIX Enforce HTTP authentication for OPTIONS requests.

    LSWS 6.0.11(11-10-2021) New Feature, Improvements & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add websocket proxy target support for rewrite rules.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improve HTTP/2 upload throughput.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improve HTTP/3 upload throughput.
    • BUGFIX Address HTTP/3 handshake failures.
    • BUGFIX Address an HTTP/1.1 request body chunk encoding corner case that caused unexpected 400 status for the next request made when over a keep-alive connection.
    • BUGFIX Throttle unnecessary lscache purges generated by LSCWP.
    • BUGFIX Improve script compatibility with different shell interpreters.
    • BUGFIX Avoid caching incomplete/broken homepages for more than 1 minute.
    • BUGFIX Address broken vhost level private cache lookup configuration.

    LSWS 6.0.10(10-21-2021) Improvement & Bugfixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Optimize SSL and HTTP/2 read speeds.
    • BUGFIX Address a few bandwidth throttling issues.
    • BUGFIX Address high CPU usage for server worker processes.
    • BUGFIX Address issues with ModSecurity logging and persistent variable handling.
    • BUGFIX Address a few minor HTTP/3 corner cases.
    • BUGFIX Convert chunked encoding request bodies for proxy backends.
    • BUGFIX Address a Server Side Includes corner case that could sometimes truncate large files.
    • BUGFIX Do not block client access if reCAPTCHA is not properly configured when using WP full protection.

    LSWS 6.0.9(09-20-2021) New Feature & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add support for 'LogRotationSize' Apache directive at the server level to control access log rotation.
    • BUGFIX Address cache engine corner case that randomly disabled cache or ignored purge requests.
    • BUGFIX Cache engine should no longer purge again when serving a cached page with purge headers.
    • BUGFIX Properly pass environment variables for python applications configured via CloudLinux python selector.
    • BUGFIX Update ea-ruby24 to ea-ruby27 for cPanel Ruby application manager.
    • BUGFIX Address POST requests randomly hanging.
    • BUGFIX "%{CONTENT_TYPE}" is now properly supported in Apache expressions.

    LSWS 6.0.8 (Stable)(08-13-2021) Improvements & Bugfixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Internal redirects now carry over "Last-Modified" and "Content-type" response headers set by scripts.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add "ProxyAddHeaders on|off" support to avoid sending "x-Forwarded-for" and "x-forwarded-host" proxy headers.
    • IMPROVEMENT Add `CachePost on|off` support to allow POST cache configuration in Apache configuration files.
    • IMPROVEMENT Avoid an unintended delay when processing the first request for a newly started PHP worker group.
    • BUGFIX Address a mod_security corner case causing hanging worker processes.
    • BUGFIX Disable mod_security engine for requests rewritten to ReCAPTCHA.
    • BUGFIX Address an ESI encoding corruption bug that mainly affected Prestashop caching.

    LSWS 6.0.7(07-22-2021) Bugfixes

    • BUGFIX Address additional random crashes in asynchronous mod_security engine.
    • BUGFIX Address an HTTP/3 sendfile corner case.
    • BUGFIX Address a problem with custom error page for OPTIONS request method.

    LSWS 6.0.6(07-14-2021) Improvement & Bugfixes

    • IMPROVEMENT Cleanup SSL OCSP data cache folder.
    • BUGFIX Address a few random crashes in asynchronous mod_security engine.
    • BUGFIX Address random server hangs when AIO is in use.

    LSWS 6.0.5(07-07-2021) Bugfixes

    • BUGFIX Address a random crash with asynchronous mod_security engine.
    • BUGFIX Resolve a problem with sending truncated static files over HTTP/3 connections.
    • BUGFIX Resolve a problem with purging by URL.
    • BUGFIX Address a crash when handling decoded HTTP/2 headers.

    LSWS 6.0.4(06-30-2021) Bugfixes

    • BUGFIX Address a chrome HTTP/3 connection timeout issue for long running scripts.
    • BUGFIX Address a multi-thread race condition in mod_security engine.
    • BUGFIX Detect dead HTTP/2 connections during server cool-down.
    • BUGFIX Improve request/response header name validation to avoid HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 protocol violations.

    LSWS 6.0.3(06-23-2021) New Features & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Optionally enable UNIQUE_ID environment variable for Apache mod_unique_id compatibility.
    • NEW FEATURE Add server variable REDIRECT_REQUEST_METHOD for better Apache compatibility.
    • BUGFIX Address an infinite loop when processing conditional context expressions.
    • BUGFIX Address crashes in mod_security engine, SSL session cache, and response header processing.
    • BUGFIX Address LiteSpeed worker high CPU usage due to a malloc() spinlock dead lock.
    • BUGFIX Better follow PassengerAppLogFile configuration for Python/Ruby applications.
    • BUGFIX Follow server level compressible configuration for MIME types defined in .htaccess.
    • BUGFIX Improve chunk encoded request body handling for PHP scripts.
    • BUGFIX Minor tweaks to HTTP/3 protocol.

    LSWS 6.0.2(06-07-2021) New Feature, Improvement & Bugfixes

    • NEW FEATURE Enable HTTP/3 v1 by default.
    • IMPROVEMENT Allow header customization for reCAPTCHA pages.
    • BUGFIX Keep Firefox HTTP/3 connections alive for long running scripts.
    • BUGFIX Fix Ubuntu Plesk Grafana integration.
    • BUGFIX Conditional redirect configuration now works properly.

    LSWS 6.0.1(05-26-2021) New Features & Bugfix

    • NEW FEATURE Add support for PassengerAppLogFile directive.
    • NEW FEATURE Add support for access log TTFB format "%^FB".
    • BUGFIX Python applications now have a higher priority than directory index.
    • BUGFIX Applied all bug fixes made through 6.0 build 12.

    LSWS 6.0(03-25-2021) New Features, Improvements and Bugfix

    • NEW FEATURE HTTP/3 v1 support with with DPLPMTUD, Adaptive congestion control, Delayed ACK, and zero-copy packetization.
    • NEW FEATURE Asynchronous mod_security engine.
    • NEW FEATURE Cache engine POST request caching capability.
    • NEW FEATURE Dynamic DNS lookup for external application backends.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for Apache 2.4 conditional contexts '❬If❭', '❬Ifelse❭', and '❬Else❭'.
    • NEW FEATURE Bubblewrap isolated CGI/PHP execution environments.
    • NEW FEATURE Cgroup resource throttling for CGI/PHP.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for secure websocket backend (wss://).
    • NEW FEATURE Auto whitelist IPs.
    • IMPROVEMENT Better out-of-box compatibility with Apache ProxyPass directive.
    • IMPROVEMENT ModSecurity scan response body support.
    • IMPROVEMENT ModSecurity persistent collection SHM storage.
    • IMPROVEMENT ModSecurity JSON audit log.
    • IMPROVEMENT Revamp of SSL Multi-Cert support.
    • BUGFIX All applicable bug fixes from 5.4.X releases.

    LSWS 6.0 RC3(12-09-2020) New Features, Major Improvements, Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE Support external application configuration using domain name for target address.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTP/3 draft 32 support.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for secure websocket backend (wss://).
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Better Apache ProxyPass compatibility with any target domain/IP, without the need to explicitly create an external application.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT HTTP/3 Delayed ACK extension has been enabled to improve performance.
    • IMPROVEMENT Better support for various ModSecurity variables.
    • IMPROVEMENT Fix various HTTP/3 congestion control corner cases to maximize throughput.

    LSWS 6.0 RC2(10-15-2020) New Feature, Major Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE ModSecurity scan response body support.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTP/3 draft 31 support.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Improve HTTP/3 throughput with DPLPMTUD, Adaptive congestion control, and zero-copy packetization.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT ModSecurity persistent collection SHM storage.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Revamp of SSL Multi-Cert support.

    LSWS 6.0 RC1(07-17-2020) Major New Features, New Feature, Major Improvements, Improvement

    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Apache 2.4 conditional context <If> <Ifelse> <Else> support.
    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Asynchronous mod_security engine.
    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Bubblewrap isolated CGI/PHP execution environments.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTP/3 draft 29 support.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT HTTP/2 has gone through a major rewrite with more efficient header handling.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added ModSecurity JSON audit log.
  • LSWS 5.4.12 (Stable)(03-22-2021) New Feature, Security & Bugfixs

    • NEW FEATURE Auto white list IPs.
    • SECURITY Fix a bug that allowed bypassing of built-in blocked URLs.
    • SECURITY Block improperly configured user/group and commands for external apps.
    • BUGFIX Address content corruption for ESI includes.
    • BUGFIX Improve ESI parser to handle improperly escaped ESI directives.
    • BUGFIX Add SSL OCSP stapling for redis dynamic vhosts.
    • BUGFIX Address a random crash in Layer 4 forwarding to websocket backends.
    • BUGFIX cPanel webmail proxy domain email attachment uploads no longer hang.
    • BUGFIX Update wsgi-lsapi to v1.9 to address a unicode encoding problem for Django applications.
    • BUGFIX Improve NodeJS application compatibility.
    • BUGFIX Start Ruby applications through a login bash shell to apply the necessary shell environment variables.
    • BUGFIX Improve mod_security variables handling.
    • BUGFIX Improve reCAPTCHA verification protection.

    LSWS 5.4.11(11-19-2020) New Feature, Improvements & Bugfixs

    • NEW FEATURE Support for Apache configuration directive 'AuthMerging'.
    • IMPROVEMENT Support for RewriteCond operators added by Apache 2.4 which includes '>=', '<=', '-eq' , '-ge' , '-gt', '-le' , '-lt', '-ne', '-h', '-L', and '-x'.
    • IMPROVEMENT Update bundled WHM Plugin to v4.1.3 (bundled w/ cPanel plugin v2.1.2).
    • BUGFIX Do not load .htaccess from parent directories beyond document root when AllowOverride is disabled for those parent directories in Apache configuration.
    • BUGFIX Address a crash in ESI sub requests.
    • BUGFIX Avoid restoring older system file backups if a switch back to Apache has been performed.
    • BUGFIX Avoid throttling or blocking local IP.
    • BUGFIX Address occasional slow down caused by long delays added by CUBIC congestion control for HTTP/3 (QUIC).
    • BUGFIX CloudLinux App config now follow max connections configured in LSWS native App config.
    • BUGFIX Properly apply environment variable configuration for CloudLinux Node selector.
    • BUGFIX Address a false positive that was blocking IPs due to "too many new SSL connections".
    • BUGFIX Plesk webstats page now works properly.

    LSWS 5.4.10(10-07-2020) New Features, Improvements, Tunings & Bugfixs

    • NEW FEATURE Add ForceSecureCookie configuration directive to enforce "secure" and "SameSite" cookie attributes. This directive can be set in an Apache config file at the server or vhost level, or in the document root directory's .htaccess file.
    • NEW FEATURE Allow LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin to use ESI combine sub-requests to improve ESI performance.
    • NEW FEATURE Update cPanel plugin to automatically apply new ECC certificates generated through the plugin.
    • IMPROVEMENT Apply Expires header to a partial response for a range request.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improve PHP default handler for DirectAdmin.
    • IMPROVEMENT Update bundled WHM plugin to v4.1.2 with improved WP cache scan logic.
    • TUNING Automatically detect and neutralize bad rewrite rules that cause looping proxy to the same server.
    • TUNING Install alt-python38 wsgi-lsapi binary from source if rpm package is not available.
    • TUNING Add PHP 8.0 auto detection.
    • BUGFIX Avoid stapling expired OCSP responses.
    • BUGFIX Properly apply URL encoding for Location URL generated by a rewrite rule.
    • BUGFIX HTTP3/IETF QUIC: close immediately if crypto session can't be initialized.
    • BUGFIX Close down HTTP3/QUIC streams reset by peer in a timely manner.
    • BUGFIX Normalize IPv6 addresses to properly reuse existing listener sockets.
    • BUGFIX Update Python application handler internal URL to avoid being blocked when .py suffix is blocked.
    • BUGFIX Apply header operations for pages generated by python/nodejs applications.
    • BUGFIX Properly detect HTTP/2 GREASE frame and GREASE settings entry, avoiding protocol errors.
    • BUGFIX Avoid releasing cache objects too early.
    • BUGFIX Address a rare crash in ESI parser.
    • BUGFIX Force apply ACL configuration changes when client access level is cached in SHM.
    • BUGFIX Reset per client concurrent connection counter stored in SHM when server restarts.
    • BUGFIX For directory auto index, avoid a blank file name when special characters are in the name.

    LSWS 5.4.9(08-21-2020) New Features,Improvements

    • NEW FEATURE WHM plugin 4.1 with Let's Encrypt ECC certificate support. integration with SSL certificates synchronization.
    • NEW FEATURE Automatic CloudFlare CDN IP detection.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for bcrypt password hash for HTTP authentication.
    • IMPROVEMENT PHP version detection for cPanel FCGId PHP handler.

    LSWS 5.4.8(07-01-2020) New Features, Security, Improvements, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Add the ability to load an extra ECC certificate for an Apache virtual host when multi-cert support is enabled.
    • NEW FEATURE Apply header modification configurations in .htaccess to dynamic responses for CloudLinux Python/Ruby/NodeJS selector application.
    • NEW FEATURE Update client IP using request header "X-Real-IP".
    • NEW FEATURE Use Client IP in Header can now be set to use the last IP listed in the X-Forwarded-For header for servers behind AWS ELB.
    • SECURITY Block 'LD_*' environment variable overriding from .htaccess.
    • IMPROVEMENT New Ruby 2.0+ compatible RackRunner script for ruby-lsapi 5.0.
    • IMPROVEMENT Separate IPv4 and IPv6 virtual hosts now share cached pages for the same domain.
    • IMPROVEMENT Update WHM plugin to v4.0 (drops support for EasyApache 3).
    • IMPROVEMENT Make reCAPTCHA compatible with WordPress password protected pages.
    • BUGFIX Invisible reCAPTCHA now works properly with IE 11 browser.
    • BUGFIX Correct Magento LiteMage2 cache object statistics.
    • BUGFIX Address an AJPv13 hanging bug.
    • BUGFIX Enabling bandwidth throttling no longer causes rare HTTP/2 response hangs.
    • BUGFIX Properly apply UMASK configuration for external applications.
    • BUGFIX Fix a problem with Plesk log rotation when LSWS overrode Apache's rc script with a symbolic link.
    • BUGFIX NodeJS default being not properly set in httpd_config.xml no longer causes crashing.
    • BUGFIX Address issues when switching back to Apache.

    LSWS 5.4.7(04-17-2020) New Features, Security, Tunings, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Added strict suEXEC and ownership checking on scripts.
    • NEW FEATURE Added ability to configure static/dynamic request per second limit for Apache vhost.
    • SECURITY Fixed a symbolic link attack in directory auto index script. Thank you KnownHost for the bug report. (CloudLinux user is not affected.)
    • TUNING Prevent ports 443 and 80 from being used as WebAdmin listener port.
    • TUNING Avoid triggering 503 errors when cPanel backend services (cpcontacts, webdisk, ...) are unavailable.
    • TUNING Automatically update /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn to 1024 whenever server performs a fresh startup.
    • TUNING Added after=lve_namespaces.service to systemd unit file.
    • BUGFIX Fixed reCAPTCHA triggering for the first access of an allowed robot.
    • BUGFIX Added "Cache-Control: no-cache" to reCAPTCHA verification page to disallow CDN/proxy cache.
    • BUGFIX Fixed delayed .htaccess loading.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a delayed server response bug with HTTP/2.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a NodeJS websocket backend configuration bug.
    • BUGFIX Shared lib for lscmctl script is now updated on server install/update.

    LSWS 5.4.6(03-12-2020) New Features, Tunings, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Updated HTTP/3 support to include h3-27.
    • TUNING Set mod_security RBL DNS cache to 60 seconds.
    • TUNING Disable TLSv1.1 by default.
    • TUNING Enable SSL session tickets by default.
    • TUNING No longer add ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA cipher automatically.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused ProxyPass ws:// target to stop working for certain configuration combination.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug in HTTP/2 handling mismatched response content-length and actual reponse body size.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a false positive that triggered ACL denied for Plesk.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a regression that broke /tmp/lshttpd/swap auto cleanup.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a false positive when handling ModSecrurity SecRemoteRule.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a crash in ModSecurity using libinjection.

    LSWS 5.4.5(02-05-2020) Improvements, New Features, Updates, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Added support for IETF HTTP/3 draft 25 (h3-25).
    • NEW FEATURE Populated GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE environment variable using IP2Location database.
    • NEW FEATURE Added full Captcha protection for WordPress login page.
    • NEW FEATURE Optionally skip rewrite processing for Let's Encrypt verification requests.
    • NEW FEATURE Automatically patch Set-Cookie with 'secure' flag when served over HTTPS.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added 'cssDecode' and 'utf8toUnicode' transformations to ModSecurity engine.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added support for 'REQUEST_SCHEME' request variable.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added '-vb' command line option to print out version and build number.
    • UPDATE Updated WHM plugin to v3.3.7.
    • BUGFIX Fixed websockets hanging on upgrade.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a WebAdmin Console socket address validation bug.
    • BUGFIX Fixed .htaccess configuration changes failing to apply for Python/Ruby/NodeJS applications.
    • BUGFIX Environment variable names are no longer converted to uppercase for Apache SetEnv directive.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a NodeJS wrapper script bug that failed to handle startup files with absolute paths.
    • BUGFIX External application process startup time is now reliably detected.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a minor regression with AHO string search.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug using wrong log ID in error log.

    LSWS 5.4.4(01-08-2020) New Feature, Security, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Added support for Google QUIC Q050.
    • SECURITY Improved WebAdmin Console security by strictly checking request URLs.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that caused HTTPS connections to stall when bandwidth throttling was enabled.
    • BUGFIX Fixed an ESI/Litemage output corruption bug.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug in AIO logging that caused the access log to stop working.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug causing 100% CPU usage for FreeBSD.
    • BUGFIX Removed an unnecessary CloudLinux CageFS mount point for "/tmp/lshttpd".
    • BUGFIX Fixed a crash caused by memory mapped files being truncated.

    LSWS 5.4.3(12-09-2019) New Features, Improvements, Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Websocket backend support via the "ProxyPass" directive.
    • NEW FEATURE Added HTTP/3 draft 24 support.
    • ENHANCEMENT Improved WordPress brute force protection when facing large botnet attacks.
    • TUNING Updated HTTP/3 QUIC engine default congestion control method to CUBIC for better performance in good network conditions.
    • UPDATE Updated WHM plugin to v3.3.5 (includes support for displaying "critical alerts").
    • BUGFIX Fixed a few bugs in HTTP/3 QUIC engine.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug in PID verification that failed to stop processes for detached applications.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug in modsecurity engine where LOGGING phase processing was bypassed if a client was using a QUIC connection.
    • BUGFIX Properly count 3 character second level domains against license domain limit.
    • BUGFIX Properly parse IPv6 mapped IPv4 addresses in request header.
    • BUGFIX Fixed missing "REMOTE_USER" request environment variable when HTTP authentication is used.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a problem with utf-8 characters in request URLs for Python applications.
    • BUGFIX Improved lock contention handling when detached mode PHP processes are started concurrently by multiple server worker processes.
    • BUGFIX Fixed an ESI sub-request bug that could stall proxy to backend communication.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a DirectAdmin userdir bug.

    LSWS 5.4.2(10-18-2019) New Features, Improvements, BugFix

    • NEW FEATURE Updated QUIC implementation to support IETF HTTP/3 draft 23.
    • NEW FEATURE BBR congestion control for QUIC and HTTP/3.
    • NEW FEATURE "Require env XXXX" access control support.
    • NEW FEATURE User/Account level bandwidth throttling for Redis dynamic virtual hosting.
    • IMPROVEMENT Further HTTPS SSL layer performance tuning.
    • IMPROVEMENT Automatically restart running PHP processes when PHP binary changes are detected.
    • IMPROVEMENT Automatically convert ea-phpXX handler configuration into a phpXX handler when an ea-php handler is not available.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved AIO access logging to minimize disk I/O.
    • IMPROVEMENT Avoid reCAPTCHA verification on AJAX requests to minimize false positives.
    • IMPROVEMENT Built-in error and reCAPTCHA verification pages are now responsive.
    • IMPROVEMENT Remove '[' ']' enclosure for IPv6 addresses in the access log and request environment variable 'REMOTE_ADDR'.
    • IMPROVEMENT Reduced memory usage to improve server scalability.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved accuracy of server real-time statistics.
    • IMPROVEMENT Enable SSL SHM session cache for Apache HTTPS vhost when server level SSH session cache is enabled.
    • IMPROVEMENT Disable TLSv1.0 by default for better PCI compliance.
    • IMPROVEMENT Automatically disable HTTP/2, SPDY, and QUIC for CSF messenger vhosts on port 8887.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added "SmartPush no-cookie" directive to disable cookies used for HTTP/2 and QUIC smart push.
    • IMPROVEMENT Added `lsws/logs/critical_alert` log file for writing common license errors that could cause LSWS to stop working.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved compatibility with CloudLinux python selector.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved modsecurity engine compatibility.
    • IMPROVEMENT Send "Alt-Svc" header advertising QUIC and HTTP/3 support only once per connection.
    • BUGFIX Fixed WordPress brute force protection bugs that were causing false positives and crashes.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug causing HTTP/2 requests to stall under rare conditions.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug causing broken non-keepalive HTTPS responses.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a Layer4 tunnel bug that caused random crashes.
    • BUGFIX Fixed Apache sometimes starting inside the lshttpd cgroup when switching from LSWS to Apache.
    • BUGFIX Fixed all LSPHP processes not being stopped when switching from LSWS to Apache.
    • BUGFIX Fixed an .htaccess cache bug that caused the server's default PHP handler to be used instead of configured per-vhost suEXEC handlers.
    • BUGFIX Per Apache vhost PHP 7.4 handler now runs in suEXEC mode.

    LSWS 5.4.1(08-15-2019) Security, New Features, Improvements, BugFix

    • SECURITY Addressed recent HTTP/2 DoS advisories. Fixed CVE-2019-9516 "0-Length Headers Leak" vulnerability. Completely blocks unaffected attacks: CVE-2019-9511 "Data Dribble", CVE-2019-9512 "Ping Flood", CVE-2019-9513 "Resource Loop", CVE-2019-9514 "Reset Flood", CVE-2019-9515 "Settings Flood", CVE-2019-9517 "Internal Data Buffering", and CVE-2019-9518 "Empty Frames Flood".
    • NEW FEATURE Updated HTTP/3 support to Internet Draft 22.
    • NEW FEATURE Smart server PUSH uses cookies to track pushed assets, avoiding pushing the same asset repeatedly.
    • IMPROVEMENT reCAPTCHA engine has been improved to reduce false positives.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a chunk encoding bug that could cause data corruption.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that could cause truncated response bodies to be transferred over non-keepalive HTTPS connections. This usually affects front-end CDN services.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a regression that prevented Apache vhosts from using PHP daemon mode.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a cache engine bug that failed to forward the `X-Litespeed-purge2` response header to front-end ADC cache engines.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a bug that causes Python WSGI applications to fork child processes frequently.

    LSWS 5.4(07-23-2019) New Features, Improvements

    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Massive HTTP/2 HTTPS performance boost (up to 5x faster than LSWS v5.3.x).
    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Experimental HTTP/3 draft 20 support.
    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Redis and rewrite based dynamic virtual hosting.
    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Server level reCAPTCHA protection efficiently defends against layer-7 DDoS attacks of any size.
    • NEW FEATURE Added support for Q046 in QUIC engine.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTPS accelerator with direct dynamic TLS record packaging, improving both HTTPS throughput and TTFB without compromise.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTPS handshake offloading, improving HTTPS handshake speed and avoiding clogging the server's main event loop.
    • NEW FEATURE SO_REUSEPORT support, improving multi-worker scalability for high traffic deployments.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTPS certificate compression, reducing the size of HTTPS handshake exchange data.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved HTTP/2 stream prioritization for a better user browsing experience.

    LSWS 5.4RC4(05-24-2019) New Features

    • NEW FEATURE Support for SO_REUSEPORT for multi-worker license.
    • NEW FEATURE HTTPS/QUIC handshake offloading.
    • NEW FEATURE TLSv1.3 certificate compression.
    • NEW FEATURE High Availability for Redis dynamic vhost setup.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for Google QUIC 046.
    • NEW FEATURE Experimental IETF QUIC draft-20.

    LSWS 5.4RC3(03-18-2019) Major New Feature, Major Improvement & Bug Fixes

    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Dynamic Virtual Host configuration through REDIS backend.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Greatly improved HTTP/2 performance -- up to 7x faster than previous implementations.
    • BUGFIX Improved QUIC engine performance and stability.
    • BUGFIX All bug fixes and enhancements on 5.3.x branch included.

    LSWS 5.4RC2(02-04-2019) Major New Feature, Improvement, New Feature & Bug Fixes

    • MAJOR NEW FEATURE Dynamic virtual hosting through rewrite rules.
    • IMPROVEMENT Improved HTTP/2 performance.
    • NEW FEATURE QUIC proxy backend support for backend communication through QUIC.
    • BUGFIX All applicable bug fixes from the 5.3 branch.
    • BUGFIX Fixed a few server crash bugs.

    LSWS 5.4RC1(01-03-2019) New Features, Major Improvements, & Bug Fixes

    • NEW FEATURE Recaptcha verification for DDoS attack mitigation.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for Ruby/Python/Nodejs applications in native configuration.
    • NEW FEATURE Added Virtual Host level trusted IP control, managed through .htaccess.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT Added LiteSpeed TLS Accelerator, maximizing HTTPS & HTTP/2 performance.
    • MAJOR IMPROVEMENT HTTP/2 performance has been improved with a better header compression/decompression work flow.
    • BUGFIX All bug fixes from LSWS 5.3.5 incremental builds included.