
  1. N

    [SOLVED] AWS Wordpress database errror after install

    Hello, I am following the LiteSpeed WordPress Quickstart guide but get stuck on step 4. Please see my progress through the guide below. Any help to proceed is appreciated. Step 1 I launched a WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache (Powered OpenLiteSpeed) Server through the machine image found on AWS...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] AWS Wordpress interactive script doesn't run after install

    Hello, I am following the LiteSpeed WordPress Quickstart guide but get stuck on step 3. Please see my progress through the guide below. Any help to proceed is appreciated. Step 1 I launched a WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache (Powered OpenLiteSpeed) Server through the machine image found on AWS...
  3. T

    Domain is inaccessible, please verify!

    Hi there, I have previously set up Litespeed WordPress config with AWS and had these issues, however, I don't seem to be able to get the domain to be encrypted this time. It is a new domain ( and I have linked it with Route 53 like previous, but I keep coming up against...
  4. B

    How do I install cyberpanel on AWS instance please?

    Hi, Using AWS Marketplace I have installed CyberPanel and would now like to use this to administer an instance we have running. As the instance is already set up, how do I go about 'applying' the CyberPanel to the instance please? A link to idiot proof instructions would be great. As far as I...
  5. S

    LSWS Trial License

    Hello, I'm currently working on a project regarding installing LSWS in an automation way using AWS, but I'm stuck in a step where I do have to activate the trial license through registering then getting the key through email and upload it. I want to automate the trial license activation...
  6. R

    Permission denied when uploading or creating file or folder with FTP client (AWS EC2 Litespeed Wordpress instance)

    I have installed WordPress with LiteSpeed Cache (Powered OpenLiteSpeed) on AWS EC2 instance. I need to install a font and create "fonts" folder inside theme folder. Unfortunately I always get "permission denied" whenever I try to upload or create a file or a folder with FTP clients (Filezilla or...
  7. M

    Not able to install Let's Encrypt SSL on AWS EC2 instance

    I have Installed WordPress powered by Lightspeed through Amazon AWS EC2 After Configured EC2 Instance, I Logged into Putty SSH and Connected my Domain to the Litespeed Installation by selecting Commands YES/NO I have selected YES when The Command asked for Let's Encrypt SSL. But everytime it...

    Multiple VMs with a Load Balancer in front (either GCP or AWS)

    Hey All, I'm new to the form so I'm not sure if this goes into the Installation/Configuration forum or this one. But none the less here's my question. I'm also a noob to advanced lsws configuration as we have used the WHM plugin since 2012. We currently have cPanel and LSWS (4-CPU license)...
  9. A

    Image optimization using with S3-Uploads

    Has anyone successfully used image optimization feature with WordPress plug-ins such as S3-Uploads? We tried it on one of our websites but it seems to be not working: No errors during send optimization request No errors during image pull Litespeed optimization column on media manager shows...
  10. sibipaul

    Use AWS SSL in Litespeed Ent Without AWS Load Balancer

    Hi, I am Using AWS + LiteSpeed + WordPress. AWS Charging Around 18$ for a Month for ELB. My Blog is a Small Blog So ELB is Not Necessary. So Paying EC2 Charges are OK, but ELB Charge is Not Good. I know This Question is Belongs to AWS, Why do I ask Here? I am Using EC2 as Just an Instance...
  11. sibipaul

    Best Practice to RUN Litespeed + Cyber Panel in AWS EC2 Instance

    Hi, I am New Here... I slowly Learning Things. I wish to Share Things which I Learned here... Here You Can See The Method, I used in AWS for All My Instance. Slowly I am Changing All My Sites to Litespeed. Without wasting any time, I am here posting the steps which I do in AWS. 1 - Launch...
  12. sibipaul

    Litespeed Instance on AWS EC2 Permission Denied But Fixed

    Hello Sir... I was trying to Upload Google Webmaster Verification HTML File on My EC2 Server ( Litespeed Wordpress ) Using WinSCP SFTP Successfully Logged in and View Files & Folders of All Directory. I Copied the Google verification HTML File and Try to Paste in /var/www/html But, I was...
  13. sibipaul

    How to Force http to https in AWS WordPress Package by Litespeed?

    Hello, I am New Here... So, Kindly Read this Post and Try to Answer me... I'm New to Litespeed & Openlitespeed ( not even know the difference between ) :) Installed WordPress Package through Amazon AWS EC2 - After Configured EC2 Instance...