Can I use Only IPv6 as AAAA Records to Point a Domain to Litespeed Server?


Well-Known Member

I'm an LS Site Owner User

Think as My Domain is Pointed to one IPv6 as AAAA Records.

But, I didn't Create any A Records ( IPv4 ) or CNAME.

I Just want to Show My Webpage on or http:// my IPv6 Address

if everything right, it should work correctly? ( correct me if I'm Wrong )

So Situation is This, MY Site, Only Having IPv6 Point.


A User From the Internet, if His ISP not Having IPv6 Support, Will My Site Open to HIM Through any Browser?

One ISP is Only Having IPv4, can show my site to its users?


Some people May Think, Why I post This Here?

My Ans to them is...

I have a New Server, 8GB RAM 4CPU...

They give 1 IPv4 and 5 IPv6 for FREE

I have to Host my 5 Domains to that server.

Pointing 5 domains to One IP is not a Good Idea right?

They charge extra money for each Extra IPv4.

in this situation, using IPv6 for each domain is a Good Idea.

and Litespeed supports that... why should I avoid using that?

So, I wish to use 5 IPv6 for my 5 domains...

Only if, a Domain Pointed Only to IPv6, could be access to an ISP which doesn't have IPv6 support.

Clear? Kindly Help me with all info...

Thanks in Advance :)
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