Some Warns with ModSecurity and mod_pagespeed

Listespeed 6.0.8 (build2)
just some warnings that could be investigate
WARN    [17025] [T0] [] can't set 'Forced Type', undefined MIME Type handler/mod_pagespeed_beacon
WARN    [17025] [T0] [] can't set 'Forced Type', undefined MIME Type handler/mod_pagespeed_statistics
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] unknown server variable while parsing: REQBODY_PROCESSOR
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] REQBODY_PROCESSOR "!@rx (?:URLENCODED|MULTIPART|XML|JSON)" "id:901340, phase:1, pass, nolog, noauditlog, msg:'Enabling body inspection', tag:'paranoia-level/1', ctl:forceRequestBodyVariable=On, ver:'OWASP_CRS/3.3.2'": Rule not supported.
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] unknown server variable while parsing: REQBODY_PROCESSOR
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] REQBODY_PROCESSOR "!@rx (?:URLENCODED|MULTIPART|XML|JSON)" "ctl:requestBodyProcessor=URLENCODED": Rule not supported.
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] unknown server variable while parsing: UNIQUE_ID
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] UNIQUE_ID "@rx ^." "id:901410, phase:1, pass, t:sha1,t:hexEncode, nolog, ver:'OWASP_CRS/3.3.2', setvar:'TX.sampling_rnd100=%{MATCHED_VAR}'": Rule not supported.
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] unknown server variable while parsing: DURATION
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] DURATION "@rx (..)$" "id:901420, phase:1, pass, capture, nolog, ver:'OWASP_CRS/3.3.2', setvar:'TX.sampling_rnd100=%{TX.sampling_rnd100}%{TX.1}'": Rule not supported.
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] unknown server variable while parsing: MATCHED_VARS_NAMES
WARN    [17025] [T0] [ModSecurity] MATCHED_VARS_NAMES "@rx TX:paramcounter_(.*)" "capture, setvar:'tx.http_violation_score=+%{tx.critical_anomaly_score}', setvar:'tx.anomaly_score_pl3=+%{tx.critical_anomaly_score}'": Rule not supported.