[RESOLVED] Issues with PHP memory_limit

Hi all,

I recently migrated a Wordpress-installation from a Apache + mod_fcgi installation with 48MB set as memory_limit (which worked fine), however moving it to Litespeed with php.ini memory_limit set to 64MB and <apacheConf>php_admin_value memory_limit 64MB</apacheConf> the site is getting out of memory.

What could the cause of this be?

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LiteSpeed Staff
You can compare the phpinfo() output form apache fcgi PHP setup and LiteSpeed output, see if there is any major difference, you can compare the memory usage of PHP processes from ps or top output.
You can compare the phpinfo() output form apache fcgi PHP setup and LiteSpeed output, see if there is any major difference, you can compare the memory usage of PHP processes from ps or top output.
Looking at phpinfo the only difference is Suhosin and some limits and paths.