Problem: Install password protected SSL certificate

httpS was working fine before I installed a Godaddy SSL certificate on the LiteSpeed web server. This Godaddy SSL certificate is password protected, while my test certificate (was working fine) had no password. After the change, the httpS won't working.

Here is the error message in the server log:
[SSL] Config SSL Context for listener ##.##.##.##:443 with Certificate File: /var/lsws/conf/cert/forum.crt and Key File:/var/lsws/conf/cert/forum.key get SSL error: error:0906406D:pEM routines:DEF_CALLBACK:problems getting password

In the stderr.log file:
Enter PEM pass phrase:

What should I do to make it work?



LiteSpeed Staff
LSWS does not work well with password protected SSL keys, please remove the key encryption with command
openssl rsa -in forum.key -out forum_no_encrypt.key