OC 30.03.9 + Journal 3.2


Well-Known Member
You can use the OC plugin, but LiteSpeed's OC cache plugin has a lot of bugs and isn' t fully Journal ready, but there are OC users in this forum that have fixed these bugs, so install the OC cache plugin and check for any malfunctions. This forum can help you to fix it..


Active Member
Before I install want to know I am using cloudflare, so do need Purge cache after installation. And what errors I was faced last time, 'Suppost user add product thier cart, after then when click on home page cart details disappear. again if someone logged out then again shows cart details where user already logged out'.


Well-Known Member
You can use CF, but don't use CF cache as this will cause cache conflicts, so use CF proxy only. If you follow this advice everything behaves like it should.


Well-Known Member
Don't follow any CF settings regarding of CF cache lifetimes! DISABLE CF caching in any case! CF doesn't sync the cache with the content of the origin server!


Well-Known Member
As already said, don't use CF cache, so disable CF caching.

Use CF for proxy use ony, but never ever use CF cache and LiteSpeed cache at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
@zhsanj7 Journal 3.2 is still in beta status
yes, Journal 3.2 not required license key(like Journal 3.1.x), but that's why no official support in plugins :(

some Journal's functions (like CountNumberOfPage on your screenshot) are differ in 3.1 and 3.2