Google Recaptcha

Is there a bug with Google Recaptcha and LiteSpeed that anyone else is getting? It was working before LiteSpeed and it works if removed. When activate, I am getting grecaptcha is not defined errors and Spam coming in using Contact Form 7.

WordPress Version 5.0.2
Contact Form 7 Version 5.1.1
LiteSpeed Cache Version 2.8.1
LiteSpeed Server 5.3.5 (build 2)


Staff member
Hi @techroyal,

I can reproduce "WP5.0.2+Contact form 7+LSCache 2.8.x+LSWS 5.3.5" the error when only LSCache->JS Optimize xxx enabled.
To identify the issue, please try turn off JS/Minify/Combine/Push and do a purge see if it helps.

add /repatcha/api.js in to “JS Excludes” field and you can still keep js optimize functions enabled.

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