Context settings to block directories


Well-Known Member

I have installed eventum ( under LiteSpeed and things seem to work. As past of post-installation, it is recommended that the web server prevent access to the logs/ and setup/ directories. To do so, I tried to configure Context for my VH.

However while I could block access to the directory itself, files underneath the directory were still accessible.

Example context:

URI --> /eventum/logs/
Location --> <blank>
Accessible --> <No>

http://localhost/eventum/logs/ is blocked, but http://localhost/eventum/logs/errors.log is not.


lsws 2.1.16 Enterprise


LiteSpeed Staff
That's strange. My test shows that it works.
Unless there is a high priority context matching errors.log, it should not happen. Please try to adjust the sequence number of /eventun/logs/ to the lowest to give it higher priority. If the problem persist, please send us some debug log for analysis.


Well-Known Member
You are correct, my browser was being a little too aggressive with GET caching. After clearing the cache, the context is working as expected.
