Rewrite htaccess create whitelist bot don't need to verify recaptcha

Hi guys. My website is being ddos recently and keeps getting reCaptcha. How can I create a whitelist for google bots, and some country to not have to verify captcha to go straight to the site using htacess. My website is hosted on Hostinger and using litespeed webserver. I can't access to litespeed config by port 7080, only rewrite .htaccess. Please give me a example.
my htaccess to create captcha
RewriteEngine On
LsRecaptcha 100
RewriteRule .* - [E=verifycaptcha:drop]


Well-Known Member
For LsRecaptcha directive you need to have access to virtual host include configuration as this directive cannot be used in .htaccess, so you better should use CloudFlare WAF if you don't have full access to your server. But I think you don't need this directive. Just try to identify the host you want to block by IP or User-Agent.