pkgng support for FreeBSD


Well-Known Member

Is lsws ever going to be a proper package that can be installed & managed with pkg?

If it's not on the todo list, how would you feel if I create & maintain a port for the free version that would make installing it on BSD much easier and would also make it conform to bsd hier(7)? Would I get support from litespeedtech creating it?

I'd be willing to create and maintain the port regardless, but I'm not going to bother if you're already working on making it a package for FreeBSD. Or, if I converted the current distribution to a proper package, would litespeedtech consider using the changes for a later release?

The same goes for OpenLiteSpeed, which also doesn't seem to be in ports.

Let me know, thanks!

PS. If you're reading this and you'd like lsws to be in ports, let me know. It'd be interesting to learn if people want it in ports.


Staff member
We are currently maintaining CentOS repo and don't have immediate plan for FreeBSD ports yet. Feel free to create once.Thanks.