I am using the fresh install of LS-std and I have used the option to use my apache conf (not import during install). I turned on "Enable Rewrite" in the "centralConfigLog" but the rewrite function still does not work. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Is the rewrite rule in httpd.conf or .htaccess, if it is .htaccess, you need to turn on "allow override" at server level. If you don't mind, you can send your httpd.conf to bug (at) litespeedtech.com , we will give it a try.
Getting blank page may not be the fault of rewrite though. Might be PHP configuration, MySQL or something else, plesae check lsws/logs/error.log and stderr.log.
You can trun on rewrite logging in httpd.conf for that vhost, and post rewrite related log in error.log here.