Mod Rewrite Rule works on Apache not on Litespeed


New Member
Hello there,

The following rewrite rule are working very well on apache but not on litespeed can i get a fix please?

RewriteRule ^artist/$ artists.php
RewriteRule ^artists/(.*)$ artists.php$1
RewriteRule ^artist/(.*)/sort-(.*)-page-([0-9]+)/?$ artist.php?artist=$1&sort=$2&page=$3 [B,L]
RewriteRule ^artist/(.*)/$ artist.php?artist=$1



LiteSpeed Staff
Please turn on rewrite logging with

RewriteLogLevel 9

You need to put that directive in the vhost configuration section for that virtual host.
Then check error.log for related log entries. You can either post it here, PM or send to bug@litespeed...

And, we need more information about your setup to trouble shoot it. where the .htaccess file located relative to the document root, what is the URL need to be rewritten, what is the expected result.