Litespeed on a Directadmin + cloudlinux server!

I'm trying to install a web server with DirectAdmin web control panel and cloudlinux, the latter used to limit the amount of cpu resources that a single user can utilize.omegle xender
Everything seems to work, but if I request a web page (ie. the default home page of a WordPress installation) lvetop doesn't show me any entry.
It's like cloudlinux is not accounting the cpu resource usage of the wordpress site.
In this moment I'm not using any litespeed cache, so I would expect that some cpu usage of php should be reported.
Has anyone experience on this kind of setup?
Can you point me to some documentation or give me some hint on this?
Thanks a lot
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Staff member
Please run `top` or `htop` command from the SSH console and refresh your WordPress site to see if there's any PHP process generated.