how to set up a custom 404 not redrection

I want to link the 404 error to a 404.php page without redirection
What I want is to add custom code to the error page.
I searched the command and found all the explanations saying to modify it in *Customized Error Pages*, but the problem is that the method only redirects. I want to use a command:
ErrorDocument 404 /404.php


Well-Known Member
If you request a URL that doesn't exist and if 404.php exists as well then ErrorDocument directive works without any redirection, so verify if 404.php exists. Also check if you are allowed to set a custom error page. Some CMS catches requests to non existing URLs and show its own error page. Which CMS do you use?


Well-Known Member
Again, if 404.php exits there is no reason why custom error document should not be taken into acount?! btw. Cyber Panel is not a CMS, its a server control panel, so what is the application you want to customize error handling?