Having trouble getting proxy to work.

I'm trying to get a NodeJS express server available on port 80 of a subdomain. I've configured a virtualhost for my subdomain and that seems fine. I can access the express server via port 3000.

I followed the instructions from https://www.litespeedtech.com/support/wiki/doku.php/litespeed_wiki:proxy:lsws-as-a-proxy-rewrite and created a server level external app Screenshot 2021-03-21 100005.png
and in my .htaccess file in the doc root I've put the following.
Screenshot 2021-03-21 100258.png
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Oh and of course I'm doing graceful restarts everytime I try and change something.


the settings in your 2 screenshots looks ok without problem.
maybe settings somewhere else have problem. do you have any control panel installed ? like cPanel / Plesk / DirectAdmin