Big size cache folder

I checking the cache folder size and see the following:

1. In /home, I can see.
4.8G ./lscache

/home have many accounts which on the same server, only one account use Litespeed cache. /cd to that account, I see:

17G ./lscache

A big folder for cache and each few days, I got notice that the disk is full!
I would like to ask, which one is actual folder for litespeed cache? Is that unusual for cache folder that big?

Thank you.


/home/user/lscache is for that account
if a account's /home/user/lscache is not exist, /home/lscache will be used to store cache.

if one account is active with big traffic, and you cache TTL is long, it's not surprising that cache size will grow quickly to very large.

if you think it's unusual, you can delete the old cache files directly through a cron job. please refer
the example in the wiki is to delete cache files older than 8 minutes, you can modify it (for example 1 day ago).
Thank you, I follow the link the set up cron job to delete cache. After that, the cache folder still big but not as before. I guess the Wordpress plugin does not delete expired cache accordingly.


Unfortunately, seem like it does not work accordingly. I notice that the disk is still filled up quickly.
I set caching for 8 hours but checking the cache folder, I can still see cache file from May 6 which is the time I re-install the plugin.
I also set up custom cron to delete cache:

root find /home/theaccount/lscache/ -type f -mmin +650 -delete 600>/dev/null

Would you recommend a way to solve it please?



I can still see cache file from May 6 which is the time I re-install the plugin.
it looks the cron job not work as expected
please give more detail about how you set up the custom cron.
or you can provide temp root access to your server, I can login to take a quick look.