All lsphp processes die - users get "no data"


Active Member

We have an issue on one of our servers running Litespeed Web Server. Every so often all lsphp5 processes will die and the server effectively stops responding until they come back again.

This is on 4.2.4, it's a busy server so the debug log grows incredibly quickly (15,000 lines covers about 4s of activity). So it's hard to see if anything is going on in there, as there's no pattern to it - unless we know what to look for in the log.

There's nothing in the normal error log, nothing logged with an info, warning or error status in the log either. There's no core dumps, the main litespeed process does not die.




Active Member
All Opcode caches are disabled, the system isn't recording any segfaults - it was on PHP 5.2.17 (< 10 per day, but that didn't tally with the "no data" responses), but with 5.3.27 (customer can't use anything newer) no segfaults are recorded.


one possible reason, is lsphp not built properly, please just access phpinfo.php, and watch stderr.log or error.log, if any error message there.


Active Member

No error message. For 98% of requests it runs fine, then something will cause it to kill every single lsphp5 process.



LiteSpeed Staff
can you truncate error_log and stderr.log, set log level at "INFO", restart LSWS, wait for "no data" happen. record the time when it happens, send the log to bug@litespeed... for analysis.