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    LSAPI 6.2 question

    How can I modify it to grab the latest version?
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    Help with high load server

    What's the owner of that eaccelerator cache folder? It has to be the same as for lsws. Here's mine: drwxr-xr-x 18 nobody nobody
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    LSAPI 6.2 question

    Another question, does the web admin console grab the latest master branch of Eaccelerator that supports PHP 5.4?
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    LSAPI 6.2 question

    Mine is at 5.3. So, I'll have to rebuild php.
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    LSAPI 6.2 question

    How do I find out which version of LSAPI is active?
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    LSAPI 6.2 question

    Do I need to rebuild PHP to use the new LSAPI 6.2?
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    [solved] After create new account on Cpanel, LSWS stopped working

    Nevermind, firewall blocked IP for some reason.
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    [solved] After create new account on Cpanel, LSWS stopped working

    All domains fail to load. I cannot even get into the LSWS admin panel. I tried stopping apache, restarting LSWS, reinstalling LSWS but it's still not working. Output from WHM ####################################### Checking input data...The ProFTPd configuration file /etc/proftpd.conf...
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    [solved] Problems upgrading to 4.1.10

    Nevermnd, had to restart lsws from ssh instead of web gui.
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    4.0 vs 4.1

    Might want to update the build date to 11/18 for 4.1.8 on the download page. :)
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    Being attacked by DDos

    Set Static Requests/second to something around 5. 0 is unlimited.
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    Problem upgrading to 4.1.7

    I restarted lsws from command line and now it's showing 4.1.7. ls -al /usr/local/lsws/admin/tmp total 12 drwx--x--- 2 lsadm nobody 4096 Oct 28 19:53 ./ drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Oct 28 19:34 ../ srwxr-xr-x 1 lsadm lsadm 0 Oct 28 19:48 admin.sock.7963= -rw------- 1 lsadm...
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    Problem upgrading to 4.1.7

    I attempted an upgrade from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7 via ssh. After doing a graceful restart in the web gui, it still shows running on 4.1.6. I clicked on SwitchTo 4.1.7 but it's still stuck at 4.1.6. Never seen this happen before. This is how it looks like on the Version Manager: 4.1.7 SwitchTo...
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    Pages open slow

    What's the iowait? Also, lsphp5 and the settings under Tuning? Putting the opcache files in /dev/shm may help too.
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    How to install mysql with PHP 5.2.17

    Did you enable AIO? It helps a lot with iowait.
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    [solved] 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5 Upgrade

    Ahhhh, I lost 4 days worth of logs. :( Shouldn't have upgraded so fast.
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    limit number of connections per ip

    I've been wanting this feature for a long time. ;)
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    [solved] SSI Problems Yet Again...

    Does the auto update install the latest build?
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    AIO block size

    Hmm, there are static files on a forum though. Apparently, it does help when the iowait on server is high (backing up files), the forum will load whereas it'll stall if AIO is disabled. :)
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    AIO block size

    What about a dynamic site, such as a forum?