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litespeed_wiki:licenses:choosing-a-license [2019/05/16 15:56]
Kacey Schroeder [Owned Licenses vs Leased Licenses]
litespeed_wiki:licenses:choosing-a-license [2019/10/18 21:28] (current)
Jonathan Kagan [Indicators that you need to upgrade your license]
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   * VPS Licenses: An affordable option for a smaller VPS. The VPS license has a limit of [[#​how_do_i_check_how_many_concurrent_connections_i_have|500 concurrent connections]] and 2GB RAM. The VPS license has access to one core on your server.   * VPS Licenses: An affordable option for a smaller VPS. The VPS license has a limit of [[#​how_do_i_check_how_many_concurrent_connections_i_have|500 concurrent connections]] and 2GB RAM. The VPS license has access to one core on your server.
   * Ultra VPS Licenses: A solution for VPS users who have between 2GB and 8GB of RAM. The Ultra VPS license has a limit of [[#​how_do_i_check_how_many_concurrent_connections_i_have|800 concurrent connections]]. VPS users wanting to utilize more than 8GB of RAM will require a 1-CPU license. (The Ultra VPS license is only supported on LiteSpeed Web Server v4.2.2 and up.)   * Ultra VPS Licenses: A solution for VPS users who have between 2GB and 8GB of RAM. The Ultra VPS license has a limit of [[#​how_do_i_check_how_many_concurrent_connections_i_have|800 concurrent connections]]. VPS users wanting to utilize more than 8GB of RAM will require a 1-CPU license. (The Ultra VPS license is only supported on LiteSpeed Web Server v4.2.2 and up.)
-  * 1-CPU, 2-CPU, 4-CPU, ​and 8-CPU Licenses: The number of CPUs in the license title refers to the number of the server'​s cores that LSWS will be able to make use of. Thus a 1-CPU license will have access to one core, and a 2-CPU license will have access to two cores, etc. Note that **you are not required to have LSWS make use of all your server'​s cores!** ([[#​choosing_the_right_license|See below.]]) LSWS is fast and lightweight enough to run very, very well on only a fraction of a server'​s available cores.  +  * 1-CPU and 8-CPU Licenses: The number of CPUs in the license title refers to the number of the server'​s cores that LSWS will be able to make use of. Thus a 1-CPU license will have access to one core, and a 8-CPU license will have access to eight cores, etc. Note that **you are not required to have LSWS make use of all your server'​s cores!** ([[#​choosing_the_right_license|See below.]]) LSWS is fast and lightweight enough to run very, very well on only a fraction of a server'​s available cores.  
-  * LSCache: LiteSpeed Cache is bundled free with 2-CPU or greater ​licenses. For all other licenses, LSCache can be bought as a separate module.+  * LSCache: LiteSpeed Cache is bundled free with 8-CPU licenses. For all other licenses, LSCache can be bought as a separate module.
 **Notes:** VPS and Ultra VPS licenses will not install on a dedicated server or VPS over the licenses'​ respective RAM limits. If the concurrent connection limit is surpassed, extra connections will be queued until there is room within the connection limit. Currently supported VPS platforms are KVM, HyperV, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ VPS, XEN, VMWare and UserModeLinux VPS. **Notes:** VPS and Ultra VPS licenses will not install on a dedicated server or VPS over the licenses'​ respective RAM limits. If the concurrent connection limit is surpassed, extra connections will be queued until there is room within the connection limit. Currently supported VPS platforms are KVM, HyperV, Virtuozzo, OpenVZ VPS, XEN, VMWare and UserModeLinux VPS.
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2019/05/16 15:56
  • by Kacey Schroeder