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In LiteSpeed Web Server terminology, a "context" is a virtual location, a common parent URL, that identifies a group of resources. Contexts can be thought of as different directories in your website's directory tree. For example, "/" is the root context mapped to the document root of a website. "/cgi-bin/" is a context farther up on the tree, dedicated to the CGI applications for this site. A context can be explicitly defined in LiteSpeed's WebAdmin console for the following purposes:
  • To make a file system outside of the document root accessible.
  • To block access to certain resources.
  • To setup user-level authentication for certain resources.
  • To create mount points for external applications.
  • To redirect requests to another location.

Table of Contents

Context Attributes

Context Type

Context Type


The type of context created determines it's usage.:

Static context can be used to map a URI to a directory either outside document root or within it.
Java Web App context is used to automatically import a predefined Java Application in an AJPv13 compilant Java servlet engine.
Servlet context is used to import a specific servlet under a web application.
Fast CGI context is a mount point of Fast CGI application.
LiteSpeed SAPI context can be used to associate a URI with an LSAPI application.
Proxy context enables this virtual host to serve as a transparant reverse proxy server to an external web server or application server.
CGI context can be used to specify a directory only contains CGI scripts.
Load Balancer context can be used to assign a different cluster for that context.
Redirect context can set up an internal or external redirect URI.
App Server context is used for Rack/Rails, WSGI, or Node.js applications.
Rack/Rails context is specifically used for Rack/Rails applications. It is recommended to configure Rack/Rails applications as an App Server context instead.