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"My site is unreachable""LiteSpeed down", can you check?

Quite often, we receive tickets nothing more than the title of this wiki. Without sufficient information, nobody can tell what happened. There are a few questions you may need to ask/check yourself and provide such information in the tickets if you can.

  • “Websites are unreachable” does not mean “LiteSpeed down”. Does LiteSpeed process still running? You can run the following command to check:
     ps -ef | grep litespeed
  • Only one domain unreachable? or a few domains? or all domains on the server? Provide a few domain examples.
  • When domains were unreachable, any error was showed up on Browser? such as 503 error? 403 error? 500 error? Can you provide such errors?
  • Can you also check the server error_log to match the above error? Please provide related log entries?
  • Any temporary network issue?
  • If control panel used, can you switch to apache to see if the error persists?

As far as you provide information as details as you can, it will speed up the troubleshooting process for us to better assist you.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2019/05/22 19:20
  • by Jackson Zhang