PHP "Cannot be Started by Web Server" Error

You may see an invalid path - /xxx/bin/lsphp, it cannot be started by Web server! error in the error log or WebAdmin Console, like this:

[1857689] [config:server:epsr:lsphp54] invalid path - /opt/cpanel/ea-php54/root/usr/bin/lsphp, it cannot be started by Web server!
[1857689] [config:server:epsr:lsphp55] invalid path - /opt/cpanel/ea-php55/root/usr/bin/lsphp, it cannot be started by Web server!
[1857689] [config:server:epsr:lsphp56] invalid path - /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/lsphp, it cannot be started by Web server!
[1857689] [config:server:epsr:lsphp70] invalid path - /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/bin/lsphp, it cannot be started by Web server!
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 17, name: lsphp54.
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp54, type: lsapi
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php54]
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 17, name: lsphp55.
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp55, type: lsapi
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php55]
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 17, name: lsphp56.
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp56, type: lsapi
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php56]
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find handler with type: 17, name: lsphp70.
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] Can not find External Application: lsphp70, type: lsapi
[1857689] [config:scripthandler] use static file handler for suffix [php70]

When LiteSpeed Web Server starts up with default settings, it will scan the available PHP binaries. By default, cPanel/WHM does not install ea-php54 through ea-php70, and so LSWS is unable to find those files. Hence the errors.

It is safe to ignore this error. If you want it to go away, simply install the missing PHP versions in WHM.

Another option - one we do not recommend - is to disable auto-detection and manually configure the external app.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2020/01/30 15:52
  • by Lisa Clarke