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In recent Plesk update , it changed PHP configuration inside Apache configuration which may interfere LiteSpeed WebServer with Plesk PHP selector and CloudLinux PHP Selector.

No matter what PHP version chose in CloudLinux PHP Selector , PHPinfo shows same PHP version selected in Plesk PHP setting.

There will be 2 solutions for this issue.

Solution 1:

Use Plesk PHP Selector to choose alt-php , such as alt-php51-fastcgi , please note must choose fastcgi in order for LSWS work properly.

Solution 2:

If Plesk PHP Selector is no longer needed , since CloudLinux PHP Selector pretty much covers all the PHP setting and extension , you could also choose to use CloudLinux PHP Selector , but this will completely disable the Plesk PHP Selector , which means no matter what PHP you choose in Plesk Selector , it will have no effect at all , and only the setting in CloudLinux Selector will be obeyed.

Login to LSWS webadmin console by accessing https://SERVER_IP:7088

Follow the CloudLinux doc to set up lsphp_selector external app as screenshot.

After external app is created, now go to Script Handler page , create multiple handlersphp,php44,php51,php52,php53,php54,php55,php56,php70,php71,php72,php73 as screenshot

Now all the handler will use same lsphp binary that controlled by CloudLinux Selector.

  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2019/11/26 00:31
  • by qtwrk