====== LSMCD Commands ====== In order to connect to and interact with LSMCD, you can use telnet to connect to a one of the IP addresses and port numbers set in **Cached.Addr**. For example, with the default settings, you would connect using the following command: telnet 11211 The following is a list of LSMCD commands useable in telnet, each with a brief description. For more information, see each command's page. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:get|get]]** - Read the value tied to the user-provided key. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:bget|bget]]** - Read the binary value tied to the user-provided key. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:gets|gets]]** - Read the value tied to the user-provided key and its cas token (to be used with the **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:cas|cas]]** command). **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:add|add]]** - Add a key/value pair only if a pair does not already exist for the user-provided key. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:set|set]]** - Store a key/value pair. If a pair already exists for the user-provided key, overwrites it. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:replace|replace]]** - Store a key/value pair, but only if it already exists. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:append|append]]** - Add data to an existing key after existing data. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:prepend|prepend]]** - Add data to an existing key before existing data. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:cas|cas]]** - Check-and-Set an item; store data only if no one else has updated since the last fetch, determined with the cas token from the **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:gets|gets]]** command. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:incr|incr]]** - Increment a numerical key’s value by the given number if the key/value pair exists. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:decr|decr]]** - Decrement a numerical key's value by the given number if the key/value pair exists. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:delete|delete]]** - Delete an existing key/value pair. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:touch|touch]]** - Update the expiration time for a key/value pair without fetching it. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:stats|stats]]** - Print or reset general statistics. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:flush_all|flush_all]]** - Delete all key/value pairs immediately. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:version|version]]** - Print LSMCD server version. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:quit|quit]]** - Terminate telnet session. **[[litespeed_wiki:lsmcd:commands:verbosity|verbosity]]** - Change the verbosity level of the output of LSMCD.