====== LSCWP Error Codes [DEPRECATED] ====== **Please Note: This wiki is no longer valid for modern versions of LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress. Additionally, LSCWP documentation has moved to [[https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/|a new location]].** LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress sometimes encounters errors. Explanations and possible solutions to these codes are listed below. If the suggested courses of action don't solve your problem, please do not hesitate to contact us via [[https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/litespeed-cache|the plugin's support forum]]. ===== 1000 - 1999 ===== LSCWP has minimum requirements for the software on which it relies. These error codes pop up when the software fails to meet these requirements. ==== 1000 ==== === Error Message: === The installed PHP version is too old for the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin. The LiteSpeed Cache Plugin requires at least PHP 5.3. The currently installed version is PHP , which is out-dated and insecure. Please upgrade or go to active plugins and deactivate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin to hide this message. === Solution: === == Server Admins == Upgrade the PHP version used. If needed, set up a new PHP version as described [[litespeed_wiki:php:|here]]. == Everyone Else == Select an upgraded PHP version if possible. If not, please contact the server administrator for options. ==== 1010 ==== === Error Message: === The installed WordPress version is too old for the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin. The LiteSpeed Cache Plugin requires at least WordPress 3.3. Please upgrade or go to active plugins and deactivate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin to hide this message. === Solution: === Upgrade to the latest version of WordPress. ===== 2000 - 2999 ===== These codes relate to errors that occur during cache management tasks. ==== 2000 ==== === Error Message: === Something went wrong with the form! Please try again. === Solution: === Something went wrong when attempting to submit the purge action. Refresh the page and try again. ==== 2010 ==== === Error Message: === Tried to purge list with empty list. === Solution: === The **Purge List** button was pressed but the **Purge By...** box was empty. Please enter a list of categories, tags, or URLs, on per line, and try again. ==== 2020 ==== === Error Message: === Bad Purge By selected value. === Solution: === Somehow, an invalid **Purge By** type was selected. Refresh the page and try again. ==== 2030 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by category, invalid category slug. === Solution: === Purging by category requires the category slug. You can find a category's slug in the category list found at **Posts > Categories**. Or, if you know the category's URL, you can get the slug from that. In ''http://www.example.com/category/my-category'' the slug would be ''my-category''. ==== 2040 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by tag, invalid tag slug. === Solution: === Purging by tag requires the tag slug. You can find a tag's slug in the category list found at **Posts > Tags**. Or, if you know the tag's URL, you can get the slug from that. In ''http://www.example.com/tag/my-tag'' the slug would be ''my-tag''. ==== 2050 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by url, contained "<". === Solution: === One or more of the URLs listed contained a ''<''. This is strictly forbidden. Please try listing the URLs again, making sure to avoid using this character. ==== 2500 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by Post ID, given ID is not numeric: === Solution: === One or more of the Post IDs listed is not numeric. Every post has an ID that is a number. Please try listing the IDs again, making sure that all IDs listed are numeric. ==== 2510 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by Post ID, given ID does not exist or is not published: === Solution: === One or more of the Post IDs listed does not exist or the post is not published. Please verify that the correct Post ID was used. Check **Posts > All Posts** and hover over the title of the post in question. You should be able to get the ID from the URL. ==== 2520 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by URL, invalid input: === Solution: === You may purge by URI or full URL, that is, ''/2016/02/24/hello-world/'' or ''http://www.myexamplesite.com/2016/02/24/hello-world/''. If your URL is in any other format, it will be rejected. ==== 2530 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by category, does not exist: === Solution: === The category specified doesn't exist. Visit **Posts > Categories** to verify that you've entered the correct category slug. ==== 2540 ==== === Error Message: === Failed to purge by tag, does not exist: === Solution: === The tag specified doesn't exist. Visit **Posts > Tags** to verify that you've entered the correct tag slug. ===== 3000 - 3999 ===== The following error codes are related to problems with data entered into various Settings fields. ==== 3000 ==== === Error Message: === Invalid data in Admin IPs. === Solution: === The **Admin IPs** setting on the **Debug** tab allows you to specify IPs that may perform certain admin actions from their browsers. This error indicates that one or more of the entered IP addresses is invalid. Double-check the IPs and try again. ==== 3010 ==== === Error Message: === Invalid data in Test IPs. === Solution: === This error message has been deprecated. If you are seeing this, you are using a version of LSCWP that is pretty old! Why not [[https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/|update]]? ==== 3020 ==== === Error Message: === Invalid Site IP: === Solution: === The IP address you entereed, '''', is not valid. Check your site's IP and try again. ==== 3030 ==== === Error Message: === Can not fetch Custom Sitemap: http://www.example.com/sitemapfile.xml === Solution: === The sitemap file name you entered is invalid or the file is unavailable. Double-check the URL and try again. Be sure that you are entering the full URL to the file. ==== 3031 ==== === Error Message: === Can not parse custom sitemap xml file: http://www.example.com/sitemapfile.xml. === Solution: === The sitemap file was fetched but cannot be read. Make sure the sitemap is in XML format and that you have installed the ''php-xml'' extension on your server. ==== 3500 ==== === Error Message: === TTL must be an integer between and 2147483647. === Solution: === The '''' Time To Live entered was either not an integer or did not fit within the range listed. Please try a different value. TTL is the time in seconds before a given type of content expires. Most of these settings list a valid range in their tool tips, so be sure to read them. ==== 3510 ==== === Error Message: === Removed category "" from list, ID does not exist. === Solution: === Categories are listed one-per-line by slug. One '''' you entered wasn't found, and so it was removed from the **Do Not Cache Categories** list. You can find a category's slug in the category list found at **Posts > Categories**. Or, if you know the category's URL, you can get the slug from that. In ''http://www.example.com/category/my-category'' the slug would be ''my-category''. ==== 3520 ==== === Error Message: === Removed tag "" from list, ID does not exist. === Solution: === Tags are listed one-per-line by slug. One '''' you entered wasn't found, and so it was removed from the **Do Not Cache Tags** list. You can find a tag's slug in the tag list found at **Posts > Tags**. Or, if you know the tag's URL, you can get the slug from that. In ''http://www.example.com/category/my-tag'' the slug would be ''my-tag''. ==== 3530 ==== === Error Message: === Invalid login cookie. Invalid characters found: === Solution: === '''' has invalid characters. Try again, entering a login cookie value that contains only alphanumeric characters, ''_'', or ''-''. You can make up any string you like for this setting, as long as it contains valid characters. ==== 3540 ==== === Error Message: === Invalid Rewrite List. Empty or invalid rule. Rule: