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How to fix upgrade notification problem

When a new release is published, it will be announced on the LiteSpeed forums, Twitter, and Google Group. It will also be listed on the download page. We will normally wait for one week or so to push it to autoupdate. Then your web server will show available upgrade information and send you upgrade notification. Then you can do the upgrade right from the Admin Console.

Sometimes you may experience problems. You know there is a new release available but it doesn't show up on your server admin console. One possible reason would be the new release has not been pushed into auto-update yet. Server check it once per day. Another possible reason could be some corrupted files in the autoupdate folder. You can remove .last file and restart the server to force it.

rm /usr/local/lsws/autoupdate/.last 
/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

Or, you can just upgrade directly from command line

/usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ -f -v <version>

If still problem, you can remove all files from autoupdate folder and restart the litespeed. Those files will be regenerated when your server check the update options. All files/sub folders should be owned by lsadm:lsadm.

rm -rf /usr/local/lsws/autoupdate/*
  • Admin
  • Last modified: 2016/09/15 17:59
  • by Rob Holda