PHP suEXEC & PhpMyAdmin


When ever PHP suEXEC is enabled in litespeed admin panel, phpMyAdmin is no longer accessible (only a white blank page shows).

Is it incompatible with suEXEC or is there a fix?

Thanks in advanced
It should be a permission problem. check error.log and stderr.log.
check the permission of the phpMyAdmin directory

Yeah, I just checked the permission settings of the phpmyadmin directory and chmodded and everything, still shows a blank page.

I took a look at stderr.log & error.log and noticed inside stderr.log there was:
2008-10-07 14:31:05.862 [Tue Oct 07 14:31:05 2008] [warn-phpd] mmap cache can't open /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/index.php - Permission denied (pid 7214)
I have XCache installed aswell. Could it be a problem with PHP suEXEC & XCache?

Any suggestions?
