lslb 1.7 update - Invalid request filter directive / [ADMIN] authentication failed


Well-Known Member
after the update I receive the following errors:

2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "(alert|expression|eval|url)[[:space:]]*\("
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "(&\{.+\}|(&#[[0-9a-fA-F]]|\x5cx[0-9a-fA-F]){2})"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "((javascript|vbscript):|style[[:space:]]*=)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "(fromCharCode|http-equiv|<.+>|innerHTML|dynsrc|-->)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "document\.(body|cookie|location|write)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS_VALUES "jsessionid|phpsessid|onReadyStateChange|xmlHttp"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "<(applet|div|embed|iframe|img|meta|object|script|textarea)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "on(Abort|Blur|Click|DblClick|DragDrop|Error|Focus|KeyUp|KeyDown|KeyPrerss|Load|Mouse(Down|Out|Over|Up)|Move|Reset|Resize|Select|Submit|Unload)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.596	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "drop[[:space:]]+(database|table|column|procedure)"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.597	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "delete[[:space:]]+from|create[[:space:]]+table|update.+set.+=|insert[[:space:]]+into.+values"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.597	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "select.+from|bulk[[:space:]]+insert|union.+select|alter[[:space:]]+table"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.597	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "or.+1[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]1|or 1=1--'|'.+--"
2010-01-20 11:36:55.597	ERROR	Invalid request filter directive: ARGS "into[[:space:]]+outfile|load[[:space:]]+data|/\*.+\*/"
It's also really bad that the clusters in the real-time stats aren't being shown anymore like in the 1.6 version.
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LiteSpeed Staff
Staff member
It's also really bad that the clusters in the real-time stats aren't being shown anymore like in the 1.6 version.
for real-time stats, it is new consolidated look with similar info as before. If you click "show" button on external application, are you able to see it?


LiteSpeed Staff
The request filter error bug has been addressed with an update of 1.7 release. please try "Force reinstall" from the web console to apply the latest build.