cPanel LSCWP plugin to enable cache for endusers


Well-Known Member

I've just read your documentation about how to enable lscache on cPanle servers and there's something I'm perplexed about.

There are some parts that seem complexe for end users

1) the lscache folder needs to be created

With tools like Installatron or Softaculous, we have more and more users that don't use FTP and something as simple as creating a folder could be complexe for some users

2) end users must manually enable public cache in their htaccess folder

Shouldn't this be managed by the WordPress plugin ?

3) lsws needs to be restarted ?

Your documentation implies that lsws has to be restarted once a user has enabled public cache in their htaccess file. If the documention is correct then this completly prevents the WordPress cache plugin from being self service.

I would like to suggest either adding all 3 steps to the lswp cache plugin itself, so when you click on enable it detects that cache path, creates the folder if it's required, adds the correct lines to the .htaccess file and then make it so lsws don't need to be restarted.

If the plugin is not able to do all of these things then there needs to be an end user cPanel plugin so he can enable WordPress cache on his websites without requiring help from the sysadmin.

Michael A

Staff member

Hopefully I can answer a few questions here.

2) When using the WHM plugin, this part should be taken care of automatically. No input from the end user needed.

3)This seems to be an error in the documentation. The only time you need to restart the web server is after setting up the cacheroot, modifications to a users .htaccess file do not require this.

As for the end user cPanel plugin, we are releasing something to this affect very soon.


Well-Known Member

Thanks, however what happens for new users ? Will the admin have to mass protect all accounts every time a new account is created ?

Great news for the cPanel plugin :)

Michael A

Staff member
Resolved off the forums.

For those wondering:

In the case of new users, you will have to re-scan to discover them. After this point you can either Mass Enable or selectively enable through the cache manager view.


Well-Known Member
And for those worrying about having to do this manually in a shared hosting environement, the future upcomming cPanel plugin should allow end users to do this on their own :)

Also the plugin takes care of everything from added the lines to to .htaccess file to installing and enabeling the cache plugin !

This sounds very nice and we can't wait for the cPanel plugin. We will start testing on our own sites when 5.1 has been stable for a bit and start promoting to our shared hosting customers when it becomes self service with the cPanel plugin.

One point though, I'm not sure that mass enabeling the cache is a good idea unless this feature recognises that none of the websites are utilising other cache plugins. I doubt that WP Rocket users for instance would be happy to have their paid cache plugin disabled.

Michael A

Staff member
Thanks for coming back with the rest of the information i forgot :)

Our WordPress cache will detect if another known cache plugin is installed and abort installation, so mass enable away!


Well-Known Member
Will resellers be able to accesss the WHM plugin or only he root user ?
From a responsability perspective we don't maintain our customers websites so we can't edit their files unless they specifically allow it to.
Will scanning be able to detect websites without a cache plugin or will this information only be available after mass enabeling ?

Once we've tested it on enough sites our idea is to ask customers permission to enable it. But for that we will need to know if they qlready have a cache plugin.

Michael A

Staff member
At the moment I think that root user is the only one with the proper permissions to run the plugin.

Scanning will detect and display all public facing WordPress sites (under /home/$user/public_html/), regardless of plugins installed. As of right now the, the plugin itself is responsible for detecting the presence of other installed caching plugins by checking for an advanced-cache.php file in the wp-content directory (so you would not know until you fail enabling through WHM and looked into it). You can then selectively enable through the cache manager view.

In the case where you do attempt to enable LiteSpeed Cache plugin on a site with an existing cache plugin, the WHM plugin will remove the LiteSpeed Cache plugin files after failing to enable, so the customer should experience no changes to their site.


Well-Known Member
We've updated to LS 5.1, so far no issues. Is there an ETA for end users to be able to scan their own account and install WP Litespeed cache in one clic ?

We do not currently have the permission from our customers to install a plugin on their website so mass enableing would be complicated.

It would be great if end users could just click on a button in cPanel to install LS cache plugin and enable it.

We will soon be writing a tutorial to tell customers how to install and enable it but a one clic install would be even better !

When will be available the end user cpanel plugin? it would be nice to have that option.

I have problems activating the WP cache. In most of the accounts when I run de mass enable option get the error:

"LSCWP could not be enabled"

The server cache is configured well because in 3 WP accounts it's activated correctly. The htaccess and the wp-config files have the 644 permissions (I run suexec). I have installed the last version of the plugin "" and LSWS 5.1.8

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Michael A

Staff member
Hey guys,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this. At the moment we are working to get a few more features/code changes into the WHM plugin before shifting focus to releasing the cPanel version for end-users. That being said, the WHM plugin Cache Manager code has gone through some pretty significant changes since work started on the two. This likely means spending some time going back over the existing cPanel plugin code to have it match these changes.

Unfortunately this means that I can't really come up with any reliable timetable on it's release, but I can assure you that it is near the top of my to-do list as of now.

@tropicalserver Could you PM me with some further info on your problem? I have a hunch on what could be going wrong but don't think that this thread is the proper place to discuss this :)
