[Resolved] set cookie with rewrite rule

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i'm having an issue setting cookies with a rewrite rule in htaccess.

my intention is to check for the presence of a cookie named "mycookiename" on all html page requests, and if not present then set it:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !mycookiename
RewriteRule (.html) - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/:0:1] [L]
the code apppears to work as intended as long as the url ends in .html. however it does not work when no cookie is set and the landing page is a directory (index.html) with the url ending in /

i expect that the solution is simply correct syntax, but i cannot find any solution by searching. at this point, i've tried so many variations, figured i'd save some time and ask for help!

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Staff member
Try this
RewriteRule ^(.*\.html)?$ - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/:0:1] [L]
to see if it helps
pong, thank you for your help!

that's almost got it working as desired!

still an issue remains on direct navigation to a sub-directory:



direct nav in a fresh browsing session to:


server response: 301 > 200, resolves correctly, no cookie set... and though i have caching on dynamic pages disabled, on refresh > 200 still no cookie set



direct nav in a fresh browsing session to:


resolves correctly, 200, no cookie set, and again, as with TEST CASE 1, on refresh 200 still no cookie set


here's all code i have in htaccess which i think might be relevant:

RewriteEngine on

# remove www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) http://example.com/$1 [R=301,L]

# set cookie on html page request if not yet set
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !mycookiename
RewriteRule ^(.*\.html)?$ - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/] [L]

again, I've tried everything I can think of.

help greatly appreciated!
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thanks pong, i tested removing it. first, after the code to remove the www, then removing the Last flag in both places. still no cookie being set on direct nav to a sub-directory... any other ideas?
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tried following rewrite rule
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !mycookiename
RewriteRule ^.*(/|\.html)?$ - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/] [L]
within a
<VirtualHost ...>
section in apache's httpd.conf, works in both litespeed and apache.

not sure if it meets your requirement.
thank you nitewave.

this works, but i've found that it also sets cookies on requests for files other than .html. in a fresh browsing session if i request an image file directly, example.com/images/imagefile.png for example, a cookie is set.

in apache i'm using the following code which works perfectly:

<FilesMatch "\.(html)$">
  SetEnvIf Cookie "^.*mycookiename.*$" cookie_set=1
  Header set Set-Cookie: "mycookiename=mycookievalue; path=/;" env=!cookie_set
for all html page requests (and only html page requests), a check is made for mycoookiename. if not present, it's set. i cannot seem to achieve the same objective in litespeed.

i'm open to suggestions! i really need to get this project completed! thank you for your help!
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Staff member
Based on NiteWave's solution, within virtual host httpd.conf instead of .htaccess file, try a minor change to see if it helps.

RewriteRule ^(.*\.html)?$ - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/] [L]


I did more local tests. now in document_root/.htaccess only:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} \.html$
RewriteRule . - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/]
this way is easier, and no need put rewriterules in httpd.conf's "<VirtualHost ...></VirtualHost>"

thank you for your continued willingness to help! unfortunately, your last suggestion actually resulted in cookies not being set upon direct navigation to a sub-directory in a fresh browsing session, a problem i had previously. but again, very much appreciate your willingness to help!


thank you for your continued willingness to help as well! the code you last provided works almost perfectly in all cases tested. THANK YOU! there does remain one issue that i suspect will be easy to resolve: on direct navigation to the top level (home page) of a domain or sub-domain, no cookie is set.... suggestions?
Thank you for the feedback.

I did tests again
RewriteRule . - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/]
RewriteRule .* - [CO=mycookiename:mycookievalue:.example.com:0:/]
i.e. add a *, resolved the issue if home page of a domain. can you have further tests, include homepage of sub domain ?
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