one website loads very fast other very slow


I use i use same script on different domains.

One of website loads very slow ( 40 secs) other websites loads in 1 sec .

So i think that there is some limits.

what should i do ?


Well-Known Member
Ext App WaitQ piling up (781, 446, etc) indicates your "PHP suEXEC Max Conn" ( is not high enough to handle incoming PHP requests. increase to 50 (from 6) and see if alleviate the issue. But this should only affect the sites with non-zero WaitQ.

When all sites load slowly, check realtime stats and see if more sites have non-zero WaitQ. also run 'top -c' from command line and see other processes consume cpu cycles.


looks like having been improved by looking at the graph.
one busy site still have the problem(WaitQ=498).

try to enable anti-ddos feature, see if can resolve the issue.
Server --> Security --> Per Client Throttling --> Dynamic Requests/second, tune it to 5,10,... to see if any difference.


Well-Known Member
That vhost (with WaitQ=498) isn't busy. However, it takes a long time (somewhere ~20-30 seconds) to complete the php request (even the incoming is only 5 requests/sec). Hence WaitQ pile up. You need to check the script and see why it takes long time to complete. Thing like the script pull resource from external site, etc.
the intresting thing is

i am using same db and script on different two websites.

one of them loads very fast ( over half second) other one loads in 30 secs.

it is the same DB and same script.

there is a limit based on vhost i beleive.

how can i raise it?
MAX Connections:100

not match. they should be equal.

PHP suExec enabled ? check
Server->General->Using Apache Configuration File
better to provide a screen shot as well