lsapi and PLESK


Active Member
Hi there,

I was wondering whether it is possible to use ruby-lsapi (or respectfully php-lsapi) for domains managed via PLESK?

thanks in advance for answer



Active Member

is there anything specific that needs to be set up fore example: putting dispatch.lsapi into indexes etc.. except for these steps ?

1. create domain in PLESK (check PHP support for PHP?)
2. set LS to use apache config
3. should I remove the default listener for port 80 ? since LS will create listeners for all vhosts_ip:port combinations.

note that apache is not running.

thank you!



Active Member

i can't seem to get the shared rails hosting to work.

vhost config:
DocumentRoot /home/httpd/vhosts/....../httpdocs
.ls_rails_config - location in the vhost root above
#RailsApp <name> <App Path> <Rails Evn> <Children Processes> <RunOnStart>
RailsApp nlcman "/current" "development" 2 1

#RailsAppMap <name> <domain> <URI>
RailsAppMap nlcman "" "/"
the shared rails hosting is enabled, with no values for the two Max variables

Apache Port offset is 1 so LS is listening on 81.

when i navigate to i got a static page served

do i need to setup any external apps, script handlers, or add mime type (like for php) ?

there is not a sign of a rails host in the logs

thank you for the help



LiteSpeed Staff
With Apache configuration, the user's home directory set in /etc/password is used as vhost root, not the document root set in the httpd.conf.


Active Member
vhost docroot:
owner of the dir above:
owners's home dir:
.ls_rails_config location:
.ls_rails_config contents:
#RailsApp <name> <App Path> <Rails Evn> <Children Processes> <RunOnStart>
RailsApp nlcman "/subdomains/nlcman/httpdocs/releases/20071018155320" "development" 2 1

#RailsAppMap <name> <domain> <URI>
RailsAppMap nlcman "" "/"
this is the setup


Active Member
hmmm this is weird.

i tried to setup a rails vhost in the lsws admin. so i could see whether at least that works.

the railsrunner is up and running but i only get 500 error..

log dump:
2007-10-23 18:49:00.570 [DEBUG] [*:8088] 1 connections accepted!
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] HttpIOLink::handleEvents() events=1!
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::onReadEx(), state: 0!
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] readToHeaderBuf().
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] Read from client: 669
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] read 669 bytes to header buffer
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] processHeader() return 0, header state: 3.
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] readToHeaderBuf() return 0.
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] New request:
        Method=[GET], URI=[/],
        Content Length=0
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] Find context with URI: [/], location: [/var/www/vhosts/newline-]
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] File not found [/var/www/vhosts/
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] processContextPath() return 25
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] processNewReq() return 25.
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::sendHttpError(),code=404 Not Found
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] redirect to:
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] Find context with URI: [/dispatch.lsapi], location: []
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] processContextPath() return 0
2007-10-23 18:49:00.571 [DEBUG] [] run lsapi processor.
2007-10-23 18:49:00.573 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] reconnect()
2007-10-23 18:49:00.573 [DEBUG] [] [ExtConn] connecting to [uds://tmp/lshttpd/testy-nlcman:_
2007-10-23 18:49:00.573 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onWrite()
2007-10-23 18:49:00.573 [DEBUG] [] request header is done
2007-10-23 18:49:00.573 [DEBUG] [] Request body done!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.115 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2007-10-23 18:49:02.115 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2007-10-23 18:49:02.115 [DEBUG] [] process packet header 8 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.115 [DEBUG] [] process packet header 0 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] ExtConn::onRead()
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] LsapiConn::doRead()
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] process packet header 8 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] process response header 8 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] process packet header 8 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] process response stream 1716 bytes, packet left: 1708
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] response header finished!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.382 [DEBUG] [] GZIP response body!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] process packet header 8 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] [EXT] EndResponse( endCode=0, protocolStatus=0 )
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] release ExtProcessor!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] call pConn->writeRespBody() to write 849 bytes
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] Written to client: 1092
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] pConn->writeRespBody() return 849
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] ReqBody: 0, RespBody: 849, HEC_COMPLETE!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] m_pHandler->onWrite() return 0
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::flush()!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] HttpConnection::nextRequest()!
2007-10-23 18:49:02.383 [DEBUG] [] HttpExtConnector::cleanUp() ...
2007-10-23 18:49:07.487 [DEBUG] [] Keep-alive timeout, close!
2007-10-23 18:49:07.487 [DEBUG] [] Close socket ...


LiteSpeed Staff
The 500 error is generated by Rails.
Maybe something is missing for the LSAPI rail setup, missing environment variables, etc. Please check rails log files.


Active Member
right, there was a problem with permissions for session file, ok so LS vhost works fine as does the lsapi.

now why doesn't the .ls_rails_config work :(


LiteSpeed Staff
can confirm that /var/www/vhosts/ is the home directory of nlcprojects in /etc/passwd?
the .ls_rails_config should be owned by nlcprojects user and the user that lshttpd run as should have read permission.

The related configuration under "server"->"Ruby" tab has been set properly.


Active Member
ok i double checked everything and everything seems to be configured properly.

cat /etc/passwd | grep nlcprojects
Ruby Rails tab
Ruby Path: /usr/local/bin/ruby
Rails Environment: Development
Max Connections: 5
Environment: LSAPI_MAX_REQS=1000,LSAPI_MAX_IDLE=60
Initial Request Timeout (secs): 180
Retry Timeout (secs): 0
Connection Keepalive Timeout: 60
Response Buffering: No
Back Log: 50
Run On Start Up: Yes
Max Idle Time: Not Set
Priority: 3
Memory Soft Limit (bytes): 250M
Memory Hard Limit (bytes): 300M
Process Soft Limit: 200
Process Hard Limit: 300

Enable Shared Hosting: Yes
Max Apps per account: 20
Max Ruby Processes per account: 100
ls -la /var/www/vhosts/
-rw-r--r--    1 nlcprojects psaserv  235 Oct 23 20:50 .ls_rails_config