Litespeed "crashes" after 15-30min

These are my specs:

A dedicated Intel Xeon 8CPU box, 8GB RAM on centos 6.5

For the last 2 days my server has been going down every 30 minutes or so, and I'm trying to find out why. So far no luck.

Here is my setup:

PHP suEXEC max conn: 5
Max connections: 2000
Connection timeout: 300
Max keep-alive requests: 100
Smart keep-alive: Yes
Keep-alive timeout (secs): 10

LS External App
Max connections: 400
Initial request timeout: 60
retry timeout: 0
Persistent connection: No
Connection keep alive timeout: 60
Response buffering: No
Instances: 1

My website is fairly busy, but I've noticed this happens when the site visitors exceeds 250, as during off peak hours everything is okay.

Can anyone help please. Am using Litespeed Enterprise v4.2.12



can you give a screenshot of real-time stats (lsws web admin -> Actions -> Real-Time Stats) during peak hour ?

does it host many domain/vhosts ?
PHP suEXEC: Yes or No ?