Litespeed configuration in cluster

We've setup a basic LSWS cluster with 2 nodes and an haproxy load balancer.

What config files can be synced between the nodes to enable LSWS configuration, vhost additons, etc to take place via 1 admin UI and apply on both nodes?

Can I just sync up the httpd_config.xml file from a "control" node to the second, third and so on LSWS nodes to enable this or would other files / directories need to be synced / shared?

Ideally I would like to be able to use the LSWS Admin Console on one node to apply config changes and add vhosts on all nodes. (All Vhosts will be hosted on the Gluster shared file system).

If this can work, my options are:
1. Use an rsync script to sync up changes from the control node to the slave nodes
2. Move the shared config files / folders to the GlusterFS and sym link them to the /usr/local/lsws locations on each node

I guess the entire LSWS install "could" be performed on the GlusterFS but I see that as a problematic option for a number of reasons.