I need to execute my cron job with lsphp52


Well-Known Member
I did dual php (5.2.17 and 5.3.x) and works fine with all http://website with additional .htaccess AddType directive.
But running cron job (php -f or -q /my-path/script.php) still execute php as 5.3 :confused:

I have try /path-to-lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp-5.2.17 -q but resulting an error :
Could not open input file: /my-path/script.php
-h giving me these :
Usage: php
      php -[b|c|n|h|i|q|s|v|?] [<file>] [args...]
  Run in LSAPI mode, only '-b', '-s' and '-c' are effective
  Run in Command Line Interpreter mode when parameters are specified

  -b <address:port>|<port> Bind Path for external LSAPI Server mode
  -c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory
  -n    No php.ini file will be used
  -h    This help
  -i    PHP information
  -l    Syntax check
  -q    Quiet-mode.  Suppress HTTP Header output.
  -s    Display colour syntax highlighted source.
  -v    Version number
  -?    This help
which one of those usage above or any way methode that will help me to execute my cron job with lsphp52 ?


Well-Known Member
Hi NiteWave thanks for your explanation, I will try that.
By the way is that /path-to-lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp-5.2.17 without -q will have a chance to use custom php.ini from PHPIniDir ?

Because right now I found alternative solution by using /path-to-lsws/lsphp52/bin/php but it seems using php.ini from /path-to-lsws/lsphp52/lib


this option still available:
-c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory

/path-to-lsws/lsphp52/bin/php -c /path-to-PHPIniDir/myphp.ini


Well-Known Member
but... hosnestly, I found that running lsphp52 with or without -c from Cpanel /var/spool/cron/username will produce this error :

but perform that command directly from console will works as it should be.
so I have to delete all of Cpanel interface crons and move them to crontab -e :(


don't know about Cpanel /var/spool/cron/username yet,
not sure if the php52 in the screenshot is the one /path-to-lsws/lsphp52/bin/php ?


Well-Known Member
write cronjob from Cpanel >> Advanced Tools >> Cron Jobs will put cron command to /var/spool/cron/username


php52 is symlinked from /path-to-lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp-5.2.17 to /usr/bin/php52
I have try that symlink and direct path but still got the same email error report.

but it works well when perform directly from console, or placed as cron through crontab -e (as root).


php52 is symlinked from /path-to-lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp-5.2.17 to /usr/bin/php52
I have try that symlink and direct path but still got the same email error report.
if you put > /dev/null at the end of command, you may not receive email.

>/dev/null is used to mimic "-q" option which not supported by lsphp.