DirectAdmin proxy


Well-Known Member
I wrote about cPanel proxy, but there is also problem with proxy to DirectAdmin backend. After setup the proxy works, but the problem is after succesful login to DirectAdmin. The site is being redirected to the port 2222. When we remove the port from the URL bar (after login) then we can access the DirectAdmin by port 80.

We wrote about this problem to DirectAdmin support, but they said that LiteSpeed propably send anouther headers then Apache, because the problem doesn't occur at servers using Apache.


LiteSpeed Staff
Does DirectAdmin run on port 2222?
I think port 2222 is hard coded in DirectAdmin response, LiteSpeed does not change the response at all.
If DirectAdmin do not use absolution URL it should work fine.


Well-Known Member
DirectAdmin proxy problem

Yes, DirectAdmin run on port 2222. After successful login DirectAdmin redirect to URL with port 2222. The problem is that at Apache proxy evering goes fine and DirectAdmin doesn't redirect to URL with port 2222. We are still waiting for a reaply from DirectAdmin support. We asked for a role deciding to redirect or not redirect to port 2222.


LiteSpeed Staff
Apache proxy scan and modify the response, it rewrite the host part of the URL I think.
LiteSpeed does not.
You can check the response header/body from Apache/litespeed with firebug see if it is the case.


Well-Known Member
DirectAdmin proxy problem

Yes, this will be the reason.

The DirectAdmin send a location header:
Location http://server_address:2222/

The location header is being changed by the Apache directive: ProxyPassReverse

Is there possibility that the header will by also changed by the LiteSpeed? If not we will have to post to DirectAdmin support to correct the redirection.