Any news about litespeed 5.0 stable ?


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry to be insistant about this, but spdy + http2 are getting more and more talk in the press recently with Google Chrome stopping SPDY support beginning 2016 and starting HTTP2 support in a few weeks.

Any chance litespeed 5.0 stable will be out some time soon ?

Thanks ! :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hello @wanah,

We do plan for LSWS 5.0 to be out rather soon. I believe that it will be out in the next month or so, but, as with any software (especially a software that serves such range of needs), it is impossible for us to guarantee a certain date.




Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update and great news!

We will start reminding our customers about the advantages it brings in a few weeks then :)