Added a 'static' website to my VPS

I define a 'static' website to be only generic HTML pages without any Rails logic.
I just added a static website to my VPS and declared the listener to see this at /home/deployr/itracker. I also added a 'virtual host' to run this.

My question is: How do I get your server to look at the index.html in the root I described above and NOT at the /public subfolder of this as is the normal location for a Rails application.

Are there special instructions to install a 'static' website?
Thank you,
David Kennedy


LiteSpeed Staff
You do not need to use the Rails vhost template for a 'static' website.
Just create a vhost and set the document root to the directory directly.
I know you know what you're talking about, but I have no clue.
I am getting this message now and my website is down.

Found 2 warning/error messages in the log: More
Time Level Message
2008-12-10 12:33:36.342 ERROR [config:vhost:static] missing <docRoot> in <virtualHostConfig>
2008-12-10 12:33:36.342 ERROR [config:vhost:static] configuration failed!

What should I do? Here's a list of what this virtual host screen looks like;
Request Filter
External App
Script Handler

Base Edit
Virtual Host Name static
Virtual Host Root
Virtual Host RootSpecifies the root directory of the virtual host. Note: This is NOT the document root. It is recommended to place all files related to the virtual host under this directory like virtual host configuration, log files, html files, CGI scripts, etc. Virtual Host Root can be referred as $VH_ROOT.

Syntax: An absolute path or a relative path to $SERVER_ROOT.


* [Performance] Place different virtual hosts on different hard drives.

Config File
Config FileSpecifies the configuration file name for this virtual host. If the configuration file is placed under the virtual host root, $VH_ROOT/conf/vhconf.xml is recommended; if it is placed under the server root, $SERVER_ROOT/conf/{VirtualHostName}.xml is recommended.

Syntax: File name which can be absolute, or relative to $SERVER_ROOT, or relative to $VH_ROOT.

Notes Not Set
Connection Edit
Max Keep-Alive Requests
Max Keep-Alive RequestsSpecifies the maximum number of requests that can be served through a Keep-Alive (Persistent) session. Connection will be closed once this limit is reached. You can set this limit for each virtual host as well.

Syntax: Integer number


* [Performance] Set it to a resonable high value. Value <= 1 will disable Keep-Alive.

Not Set
Smart Keep-Alive
Smart Keep-AliveSpecifies whether to turn on Smart Keep-Alive. This option is effective only if Max Keep-Alive Requests > 1. If enabled, you can also enable/disable it at virtual host level. Smart keep-alive will only establish keep-alive connections for requests of JavaScript, CSS Style Sheet and image files. For html pages, connection will not be kept alive. This will help serve more users more efficiently. Normally a web page contains multiple images and scripts that will be cached by the browsers after initial request. It is more efficient to send those non-html static files through a single keep-alive connection and have the text/html file send through another non-keep-alive connection. This method will reduce idle connections and in turn increase capacity to handle more concurrent requests and users.

Syntax: Select from radio box


* [Performance] Enable it for high-load web sites.

Not Set
Security Edit
Follow Symbolic Link
Follow Symbolic LinkSpecifies whether to follow symbolic links in this virtual host. IF OWNER MATCH option will follow a symbolic link only if it has the same ownership. This setting overrides the default server level setting.

Syntax: Select from drop down list


* [Performance & security] For better security, disable this feature. For better performance, enable it.

Enable Scripts/ExtApps
Enable ScriptSpecifies whether scripting (non-static pages) is allowed in this virtual host. If disabled, CGI, FastCGI, LSAPI, Servlet and other scripting language are not allowed in this virtual host. Therefore if you want to use script handler, you need to enable it here as well.

Syntax: Select from radio box

RestrainedSpecifies whether files beyond this virtual host root($VH_ROOT) can be accessed though this web site. If set to Yes, only files under $VH_ROOT can be accessed. And access to symbolic link or context pointing to files or directories beyond $VH_ROOT will be denied. However, it does not limit the accessibility of CGI scripts. This is useful in shared hosting environment. Follow Symbolic Link can be set to Yes to allow users using symbolic links under $VH_ROOT, but not anything beyond $VH_ROOT with this option turned on.

Syntax: Select from radio box


* [Security] Turn it on in shared hosting environment.

ExtApp Set UID Mode Server UID
ExtApp Chroot Mode
ExtApp Chroot ModeSpecifies how the root directory is set for an external application process. In order to protect confidential system data file from being accessed by a vulnerable external application script, an alternative root path can be set for the external application process and files beyond the new root directory become inaccessible. It is generally referred to as a \"chroot jail\".
Three choices are available:

* Same as Server: external application process is in the same jail as specified in the server level.
* Virtual host root: set chroot jail to the root directory of the virtual host and external application script can only access files inside the virtual host root;
* Customized chroot path: chroot path is specified by ExtApp Chroot Path below.

Syntax: Select from drop down list


* If used properly, chroot will greatly enhance the security of external application scripts. Make sure the external application script is functional in the limited chroot jail environment.

Same as Server
ExtApp Chroot Path
ExtApp Chroot PathSpecifies a new root directory for external application scripts of current virtual host when ExtApp Chroot Mode is set to Customized chroot path.

Syntax: Absolute path.

Not Set

Could you email me at with your answer..?
Thank you,
David Kennedy