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  1. M

    How do I install ?

    I was able to install the library and use the memcache API in my code, but how do i use the memcached API in my code? When i do $mc = new Memcached(); i get an error that says classes not found. The memcache() instance works. I take it i have to install, but how do...
  2. M

    Caching different types of content at different lengths.

    How would we setup caching for different types of content. Lets say content that is 1Year old cache it for weeks. Lets say navigation pages have a 1-2 hr cache Lets say home page is cached 1-2 minutes Lets say content viewed by members is fresh. Would you setup cookie identifiers for different...
  3. M

    [Resolved] Did something change in 4.2.7-4.2.9? Cache stopped working

    Our cache stopped functioning properly. We're using cache for vbulletin+vbseo. Also, using litespeed Enterprise. We had to revert back to 4.2.6 Users were seeing cached pages. Complaining about not seeing new posts, have to hard refresh. Pages that weren't supposed to be cached were being...