Search results

  1. Y

    5.5 and 5.3 on same server

    Is there a way to run PHP 5.5 or 5.4 alongside 5.3 and use 5.3 for one website and 5.5 for other sites (using Apache Virtual Hosts config)? Asking because vBulletin isn’t compatible with 5.4 or 5.5, while I believe wordpress is and should help wordpress sites load faster.
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    Caching vbulletin image attachments

    Is there a way to cache vbulletin's image attachments in litespeed cache? Asking because we run a fairly image heavy forum and these attachments are the ones which cause maximum load.
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    Switching from FCGI to normal mode

    Couple of weeks ago, I asked the tech support at my host to upgrade PHP to latest, keeping all the settings as same. However, since then, things seemed to have slowed down a little (coincided with cable cut to India, hence noticed it only now). Today I checked and it seems PHP is running in...
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    [solved] Modsecurity rules to protect WP login?

    Are there any modsecurity rules which are fully compatible with Litespeed and can block users trying to brute force into wordpress and other script installs?
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    Serving static resources without cookies

    Is it possible to serve static resources like JS files and images, without adding cooking to the response? That too without setting up separate domain or server instance for it?
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    How to stop hot linking

    I am running 2 CPU license of Litespeed with LASPI (not running suEXEC) with vbulletin forum. I want to stop people from hot linking our attachments, since due to vb using php to serve those attachments; it wastes a lot of our resources. I am not quite sure how to go about it, since CPanel...
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    Improving the responsiveness of the server

    I have a vbulletin forum running vbseo as well, right now I am thinking of caching just the images, javascripts and css files. In such a scenario what will I need to do (running WHM server with Apache Config).
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    Apache restarts on its on

    I have a particular problem, where Apache restarts instead of Litespeed after I guess Cpanel checks for update each night. So every morning I have to log into WHM and enable Litespeed and disable Apache, this wasn't happening on my earlier server but ever since I switched to this new one...
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    Mod expires not working

    I have an issue where mod expires is not working for any of my websites. I have it enabled it globally in HTPPD.conf <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault A0 FileETag None <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|js|css|ico|JPG)$"> ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 days"...
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    Migration from Apache to Litespeed

    I have a Quad core dedicated server from Wiredtree, which is running Apache 2.2.x and mod_php 3.3.x and I am thinking of migrating to Litespeed, mainly to speed up the loading time of my websites, since the server barely hits 50% load, even in peak time. Now the thing is, I am running few...
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    Rewrite rules in httpd.conf

    I am thinking about buying the vps license and was wondering since I currently have the rewrite rules for my vbulletin+vbseo powered forum in the httpd.conf file of apache to speed up the server. What changes would I need to make to it in order for it to work with Litespeed in similar manner or...